『 14: Fallen 』

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Treasures gifted by the season of winter descended from the heavens. The wonderful hue of white had littered all across the city of Tokyo along with the decorative lights of red, green and blue. Presents and warm delicacies could be seen in any direction you can set your gaze upon. Such were the essence of Yuletide.  

Alas, for the Shaman who went by the name Inumaki Toge, he was sadly not a part of that.

Due to the conflict that occurred on the 24th of December regarding Suguru Geto's incursion on the academy, Inumaki and his classmates were on temporary house arrest-- err, well... school arrest for safety precautions. 

Not that it mattered, none of them had any plans to visit anyone outside of the institute anyway. Okkotsu had only recently lost the only thing he ever cared for, Panda's parental figure is the School Principal and Yaga doesn't seem to have anyone to visit either. Hell would freeze over before Maki even considers stepping foot into the lands of the clan that had oppressed her over the years. Inumaki did want to visit his family, however, given the situation (the lockdown and the spirit tailing him) he couldn't. Well, he could always just drop by some other time. 

Inumaki breathed out a puff of air, clouding the frost-covered glass with moisture. His violet-tinted irises gazed apathetically at the barely visible surroundings below him. Trees that had flourished during spring were now dusted with a coat of snow, flowers that (Y/n) gushed over during summer were now buried under the wonders brought upon by the season and the puddles gifted by autumn rain that (Y/n) adored so very much had now frozen over. 

Winter nearly felt like a bitter punishment. It was cold and snow always manages to get in the way of everything. 

The white-haired Shaman found himself creasing his eyebrows in irritation, yet before his annoyance could settle and ruin his day... a sudden flash of a distant memory had struck him. 

"This is my gift to you," a faint smile could be made out in the hazy image of a taller girl who had spoken to a younger version of him as she handed him a vase, "take care of it, okay?"

Now that Inumaki thought about it, he never really put too much attention to where he got that furnishing: the vase he had managed to save when (Y/n) had destroyed all his stuff all those months ago. The one he saw in that treasured memory of his looked oddly similar to that of the one he had now. 

His sock-covered feet made contact with the floors of his room as he stood up to go and inspect. Whatever it was, no matter how much it seemed insignificant, he Inumaki just felt the need to clarify. 


And came right out of the ceiling was none other than the spirit from spring. (Y/n)'s sudden appearance startled the living daylights out of the Sorcerer and sent him jumping a few steps back from where he initially stood. Unconsciously, did Inumaki place a shaking hand above his chest, feeling the way his heart drummed from shock and hehe

Once his racing heart had steadied, he glared at the smiling ghost. Hoping that his stare was enough of a hint for her to know that what she pulled off nearly sent him shouting at the top of his lungs. 

"Am I pretty?"




The Sorcerer blinked once... twice... three times before his face was shaded with all the possible colors of red. His hand that was once on his chest had now made its way to cover his flushed face. No way in hell am I answering that! Inumaki could literally feel the vibrations spread from his cardiac muscle all the way to the tips of his toes. Gosh, he looks so flustered you could practically see steam coming out from him overheating! 

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