『 9: To protect means to love 』

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They say that if you were to find yourself at the end of Death's scythe, you'll find your life flashing before your eyes.

Like a montage of all your failures, your laughter and all the precious memories you cherished when you still had time. You'll find yourself staring at the regrets, the betrayal, the thoughts and sceneries you thought were insignificant yet made the most impact in your life.

But what about those who managed to swerve past the Reaper's watchful gaze and roamed the earth as a phantom? What was left for them to remember?

Because right now, right at this very moment where (Y/n) looked fearfully at her assaulter... she was sure that her time had finally caught up to her.

She had overstayed her welcome and now, she was about to leave without even saying goodbye.

In that moment, the thought that maybe it was better that way: to depart together with all the hurt and anguish she had brought upon herself and to those that surrounded her, had taken over her mind. Perhaps, going away at a time when people least expected would somehow lessen the pain,

So... why?

Why does her heart tremble with regret?


Summer's gentle breeze ruffled the strands of (h/c) planted upon her head, a faint smile adorning her delicate face.

(E/c) irises reflecting the thousands of lights scattered upon the atmosphere. She laid there contentedly as her companion observed her in wonder.

"Have you ever wondered what's beyond that river of lights?"

(Y/n)'s gaze shifted from the sky and onto a blushing Inumaki who was caught dead staring at her.

When his eyes met hers, he twisted his head so fast that a slight cracking sound could be heard. "... Shake." He whispered, trying to hide his face that was turning redder than an overripe tomato.

The girl laughed at his reaction, ever since they both laid down on the blanket, she knew he was eyeing her, almost like he was trying to unravel all her secrets just by looking.

She turned her attention back to the heavens, a gentle smile engraving upon her features. "Maybe... if we cross that river of stars, there'll be a place where happily ever after exist... a place where those treated unfairly by destiny would get a second chance."

At that time, her words didn't quite resonate within him. He thought that maybe all those floating and clowning around had finally made her hallucinate or completely bonkers! There was no way there was anything out there other than blazing balls of gases and flying rocks!

The Ghost was obvious to Inumaki's inner conflict, while he was weighing down the meaning of her words, she was busy staring at the wonders brought upon them by the summer night sky.

And although he didn't - more like he wouldn't - admit it, at that time... a part of him wanted to see past that river. A side of him wanted to cross it even if what awaited at the other side was an entire ocean of stars... it didn't matter...

If it means he and (Y/n) could have a happily ever after.


Kamisato's figure blasted a hole through the wooden wall, her body landing with a loud thud a good few feet away from the building. Fortunately, they were residing on the first floor or she'd wake up with back pain rivaling that of an 80 year-old's.

The third year didn't get up after that, she stayed unmoving on the ground, her breathing uneven as her body tried to recuperate from the attack.

Inumaki rushed to (Y/n)'s dissipating form. Even just from the light of her soul, the Ghost could see the tears that brimmed his mahogany-tinted irises.

He fell to his knees and clung to whatever was left of (Y/n). Inumaki didn't loosen his grip on her, afraid that if he were to stop holding her for even just a second... she would fade away into nothingness. "Ume..."

"I'm sorry--"

Her voice was instantly silenced by the Shaman nuzzling his face further into her neck. "Takana?" His question was voiced out softly... almost inaudible if it weren't for the silence resonating within the frost-covered hallway.

And finally, the adrenaline powering her façade had weakened... putting her show to an end.

(Y/n)'s eyes began watering as the weight of the situation was beginning to settle.

She almost got killed and if it weren't for Inumaki...

"No... I--- I'm not okay," she admitted, suddenly finding it difficult to speak through the hiccups. She knew it wasn't physically possible yet why did (Y/n) feels as if her chest was being compressed? Why did it feel so... sad to be apart from him? Why did the mere thought of having to leave him tore at her heart?


"I--I'm sorry that... I had to put you through this... I c-cause more bad than good, don't I? I'm so sorry..." (Y/n) continued to cry shamelessly all the while Inumaki had stayed there listening to her ramble.

"Okaka..." With the subtle shake of Inumaki's head, he silently denied her claims. "Ume."

The moonlight shone through that giant hole in the wall, the nearby tree's shade hiding the figure of the woman sprawled on the ground. At that exact moment, if you were standing near enough or observing at the right place... you could clearly see the figures of two people who fit each other perfectly.

With one shining magnificently under the rays of the full moon, her eyes glistening like diamonds as her soul began reattaching itself all the while the other held her like a treasure, one that he'd fight to protect.

────────────Because to protect meant to love...

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