15. Daily Prophet

Start from the beginning

"what's going on? Why are you in the girl's dormitories? What time is it?" her voice was groggy as she slouched.

"get out of bed" Malfoy said.

She crinkled her nose, managed so groan out another, "the fuck" before getting up and rapping her dress robe around her.

Nott snorted and she turned to look at him.

"you look like a fucking pygmy puff with that hair, worse than Grangers"

She glared at him then looked back to the others.

"where's Hermione?"

"getting ready in the bathroom like you are about to do" Malfoy sneered.

He couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. Her head was too clouded from sleep.

"the fuck is this dream, you bitches would've crucio'd me by now, I'm going mental" she drawled while turning to go back to bed, but Zabini grabbed her arm before she could.

"wake up Swallow" he shouted shaking her.

She gave him a stunned look, "yeah yeah I'm up"

"ok go get ready dress for frost bite weather" Zabini said heading towards the doors the others following.

"don't go back to sleep" Malfoy sneered.

"the fuck is this?" is all Constance managed to say before walking to the bathroom door.

She walked inside the bathroom and heard water running, Hermione was showering so she quickly grabbed her toothbrush and started walking down to the common room, for what reason she didn't know.

She was greeted by Zabini drinking coffee.

"you gonna explain what's happening?" she complained looking at him from the stairs.

He scoffed, "you look like bloody shit"

She rolled her eyes; it was probably from the three times she awoken in the night with sweat dripping down her back from a dream.

She shook her head then walked back up the stairs, her head started to clear as she walked back inside the room where Hermione had just walked over to the wardrobe with a towel around her.

"what's happening?" Constance asked.

Hermione turned to her, "I don't know, it's pissing me off though".

Hermione hated not knowing, even more than Constance.

"I'm gonna get a shower".


About twenty minutes later Constance was dressed in some jeans, they where a little tight fitting but she was still unpacking so they had to do, with a large black turtleneck walking down the dormitory stairs with Hermione.

The three boys where sitting in front of the fire all in casual clothing, well as casual as rich Slytherins could get.

"Constance your hair" Hermione whispered pausing at the stairs and pointing her wand at her.


Then she realised she forgot to tame it, but Hermione had already done the job, the frizz shrunk down, and the ringlets bounced back into shape, she was too lazy to tie it.

"thank you"

"finally" Nott sighed.

All the boys stood up.

"coats, gloves boots will be probably best" Zabini started listing.

"what's going on and why am I up at five to seven on the holidays?" Constance snapped.

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