15. Daily Prophet

Start from the beginning

The rest of the day consisted of sitting in the front of the fire with Hermione, Nott, Malfoy and Zabini which had oddly become a usual. Then slipping away to do a little painting which she couldn't help but give into.


Hello me,                                                                                                                   December 28th 1998

So, she replied. This is why I'm writing two letters today, though you probably wouldn't be able to tell since I don't add dates. I should start adding dates, at least months. oh, look there's a date now, almost 1999 can't believe that.

Anyway, back to the point.

She replied, the son of a bitch was as blunt as ever, "I want to nudge you out my bubble" the fuck? I feel mad but at the same time I don't.

I feel kind of sorry for her, she feels the need to push people away when it's not her decision to get rid of someone who wants to be involved with her.

Yes, I want to be involved with her.

I'm going to find her soon, just wait.


She rolled over in bed. Her bed underneath her was shaking or was she shaking? And there was a voice didn't sound like Hermione's though.

She rolled over and groaned berrying her head into her pillow, she was probably fucking dreaming again, she would look to the side and find Bellatrix cursing Crucio's at her mattress no doubt.

"get up you lazy twat" a boys voice? She recognised it too maybe she wasn't dreaming.

Then a sharp tug on her hair which forced her eyes open. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

Blaise Zabini was standing next to her bed in a dress robe, dressing gown thing it didn't matter what he was wearing why was he here. She didn't care that she just woke up, she looked like shit half the time anyway but why was he in the girl's dormitories.

She shook her head; her dreaming had gone off the rails.

She lay back in bed.

"the fuck, she went back to sleep Malfoy come help me" Zabini's voice came.

Now she wasn't sure if she was dreaming.

"I got Granger up" she heard, Nott's voice?

"come help us she's in a fucking sleep coma" came Zabini's voice again.

The mattress started shaking again.

"good luck with that" she heard Hermione's voice?

What type of dream was this?

The mattress started shaking faster, she just carried on sleeping unfazed until something soft came crashing down on her face, a pillow?

What the fuck was happening? She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes again, feeling her frizzy hair in her face, it was most likely a pom pom by now.

She finally opened her eyes and Malfoy, Nott and Zabini where surrounding her with dress robes on, she assumed with their pyjama's underneath.

"the fuck?" she groaned.

"she's not a morning person, like you Malfoy" Nott mussed.

She rubbed her eyes again fully waking herself up.

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