Part Two: Forty Six

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The thing Ravn saw upon waking up the following morning was his naked husband curled against his side sleeping peacefully. Ravn smiled to himself letting the feeling of peace lighten him, everything was finally normal for them and they could now begin the rest of their immortal lives together. Sure, they'll have their fair share of run ins, problems will arise at some point down the line and new enemies will surface but until then he was happy with how they were now.

He reached up moving a stray hair from Hwanwoong's face before softly stroking the silky hair. If felt like he had been like that for hours when it was probably only half an hour, Ravn comfortable just holding the shorter but what he didn't expect was for the younger to nearly sky rocket out of their bed and bolt for their bathroom. Confused he moved from the bed following after said boy only to find him on his knees hovering over the toilet puking his guts out.

Hwanwoong was eventually able to pull away and stagger up to his feet, Ravn catching him when he wobbled before handing him a cup of water and taking a wash cloth to gingerly wipe at his lover's face.

"Are you okay?" Ravn whispered softly.

Hwanwoong just nodded taking his drink before moving to brush his teeth.

"Do I need to take you to the doctors so we can figure out what's up?" Ravn asked eying the shorter with worried eyes.

Hwanwoong didn't answer until he had finished brushing his teeth and wiping down his face once more. From there he turned away from his husband saying nothing as he pulled open the side drawer pulling something out. From there he turned back to Ravn and handed the older the object he had found a second ago, Ravn confused as he took said item.

Officially looking away from Hwanwoong he looked down at the item gasping out when it registered through his head. " soon? I never thought it'd be this fast..."

"Are you disappointed?" Hwanwoong finally spoke up.

Ravn shook his head. "Fuck no princess this is fucking amazing, I'm just surprised is all...I'm gonna be a dad...again..."

Hwanwoong giggled softly. "I know I was surprised myself; I didn't think it'd be this fast either. And me being pregnant...I think it helped with my little acting performance a few weeks ago."

"So how far do you think you are?" Ravn asked finally looking up from the pregnancy test.

"Well, it's been about three and a half months since you've woken up and the amount of times we've had unprotected sex between now and then it's hard to tell but I don't think we really paid attention to how long we had spent planning because I think that was a month in itself plus the few weeks after of working out the kinks of our original plan." Hwanwoong calculated. "But I don't think I'm more than a month and a half along maybe two tops."

Ravn stood there shocked not being able to come up with words to say as he looked from his short lover, down to the pregnancy test then to Hwanwoong's still flat stomach and then back up to see the sparkling tears in Hwanwoong's eyes, a smile on his face.

"Of course, we'd have to go to the doctor to confirm my suspicions because for all we know I could be further alone." Hwanwoong sniffed, laughing softly. "But um...I took the test yesterday while you were out with Wooyoung."

Ravn smiled setting he test down on the bathroom sink before gingerly taking the shorter into his arms. "Things are looking up for us. First, we rid ourselves of our enemies and gain allies. And then we get a small fortune from what Wooyoung had kept of ours from the kingdoms and now we're set for a while."

The younger smiled burring his face in the elder's chest. "I want us to have a girl by the fact I have a strong feeling that it's a girl."

"We'll just have to see." Ravn chuckled.

Fast forward about six months and a very pregnant Hwanwoong waddled around the house holding his stomach mumbling down at the baby bump.

"Do you have to be doing somersaults on my bladder?" He asked softly with a huff. "And while we're at me lecturing you, don't expect to be called princess either, that's your mama's nickname that daddy gave him alright? I mean maybe we can call you our little doll or our little butterfly instead."

The shorter continued talking to the baby bump not taking notice to his husband walking through the front door catching him. Ravn had just gotten off of a long day of work so this was a calming side to see. much of a bitch Bellatrix was, she did do one last good thing by making sure her son had a job ready for when he woke up. The job even changing after they had found out a bit more of Ravn's background. The older man now worked as a battle strategist or in most cases was hired by private companies to have him test their security by breaking into the system in a mock trial. And to say Ravn loved exploiting the weaknesses each company had was an understatement. They even gave him full opportunities to hire his own team to help him complete the job so said team would always be his own family or Wooyoung and his crew getting their own input.

For the most part Ravn was home every night sometime though he'd be home a lot later than he'd like but then there were days like this where he was able to get off early and come back home to catch his husband walking around the house. Days where he'd hear his short feisty lover lecturing their unborn baby girl about, he wanted to keep his princess nickname.

Chuckling Ravn just started wandering the house looking for what room his other half was lecturing their daughter in. He'd always find his lover with his back to the elder so he would just stand there with crossed arms leaning in the doorway watching with a stupid grin on his face.

So, when he got home today, he wasn't surprised to hear the soft lecturing, finding his husband waddling around the kitchen making food. The shorter every so often looking down and pointing at the baby bump as he spoke making Ravn snicker more before finally making himself know speaking up and purposely using a certain nickname.

"Princess what are you doing?"

Hwanwoong spun to face the older man with a deep blush on his face. "You're home!! How much did you just hear?"

Ravn grinned stressing the nickname this time. "Enough princess."

"Fuck you." The feisty shorter growled out.

"You already did that and that's how you have our beautiful little girl growing inside you." Ravn took a risk walking into the kitchen knowing his little spitfire of a husband could use anything in the kitchen to hit him with but he grabbed the boy up in a hug kissing him softly.

Once he pulled away, he looked down stroking Hwanwoong's stomach. "Daddy's home not even five minutes and Mama's already made at him."

"Give me another kiss and I might not be mad anymore." Hwanwoong ordered making the older chuckled before pulling him in for a knee weakening kiss.

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