"We should probably sleep now, we still have a lots of things to do tomorrow." You mumbled softly, the others nodded their head. Ibusaki stood up, walking towards you.

"I'll come with you, our rooms are just beside each other anyways." You nodded your head at him, you then glance at the others and waved at them.

"We'll be going now, I'll see you guys tomorrow." You told them and the both of you went out of the room. You two started walking down the hallways, a comfortable silence engulfing the both of you.

Ibusaki yawned which broke the silenced that was starting to become suffocating to the both of you.

"Seems like you're awfully tired." You started, combing the hairs that were right in your face. He nodded subtly, looking anywhere but you. It was very questionable why his actions were like that.

You un-focused your eyes on the surroundings and there appeared an option screen that displayed information about the game that only you could see.


Compared to the other residents, Shun is less energetic. He does not speak much, but if he does, he speaks quite bluntly and flatly. Though this changes when he mets Y/n Kinoshita.

He gets flustered by the existence of the girl, but whenever Y/n Kinoshita talks about things that interests Shun, he becomes more lively, shocking the others.

"Hey system?" You called.


You called?

"Are there things he likes to talk about?"


As I said earlier, Ibasuki will only talk
if necessary. He likes to talk about
smoked food and how it needs to be applied to all dishes.

You side glance at the silhouette of the male who was letting out small yawns, fighting his eyes that were about to shut. You took into account that he looked like a toddler that's being forced to walk with his older cousin back home.

"The training camp was a mess, isn't it." Ibasuki just hummed as a response.

"Damn, I'm trying to make the atmosphere here not suffocating. Stop giving me a headache," you groaned to yourself. The system was heard laughing faintly before your eyesight was all focused again.

"Kind of sad we barely got to serve smoked dishes." His eyes instantly lit up the second you mentioned smoke food, like a kid going to the toy store to pick up new toys.


Ibusaki Shun's
affection points: +10

Love Interest Percentage:
Ibusaki Shun - 20%

"We stayed there and not a single dish that was smoked! It pisses me off so bad!" He said, throwing his hands to express how mad he was. Looks like that was a good sign. Ibasuki then started to ramble about how unprofessional the school was for making all foods with such methods aside from smoking.

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