a dinner date?

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Dinner was awkward, at least at first. It took a bit of maneuvering to find safe topics to discuss, considering Scaramouche is a member of the Fatui, but once they got the ball rolling, the Harbinger became more animated in his speech.

"Can I ask you something?" Aether says once there was a lull in their conversation.

Scaramouche lowers his drink and smiles. "Sure."

"What are you getting out of this?" He poses the question casually, averting his gaze as to not appear confrontational. Scaramouche chuckles.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he drawls, taking another sip of wine. "Don't worry about it. All you have to do right now is sit there and entertain me."

His eyes flash violet in warning and Aether drops the topic. Leaning on his palm, he listens to Scaramouche rant about his subordinates and other nuisances in his life. He recalls the Fatui agent back in the Mondstadt cathedral and how he told him of Scaramouche's inability to shut up. Apparently there was some truth to it after all.

Although, he didn't entirely mind listening. The lilt of his voice was pleasant and alluring, even when tinged with annoyance.

"Hey," Scaramouche snaps his fingers in front of his face, "are you even listening?"

"Of course," Aether replies, a bit embarrassed for having been caught unaware. "You mentioned Mona."

At that, he goes into another tirade, but Aether couldn't concentrate on anything other than the way his tone sweetens right before delivering a cutting insult. He definitely didn't expect such poisonous scorn from such a delicate looking person.

"You're spacing out again," he mutters, glaring at him. "Am I boring you?"

"No, I just really like your voice," Aether blurts out.

"What." Scaramouche stares at him and Aether looks down to pick at his food. "Are you mocking me?"

"No!" he says, noting the dangerous undertone in his voice. "I'm—" oh dear archons, this is embarrassing, "I'm not lying. I just...like hearing you talk."

He fiddles with his fingers, fully aware of Scaramouche's heavy gaze on him. An awkward silence surrounds them once again and Aether mentally berates himself for the slip up. The night was going so well too.

"I—" Aether looks up and Scaramouche grimaces, breaking eye contact with a blush on his face. "Thank you," he mumbles and Aether couldn't help but feel endeared at his effort to look calm and composed.

He beams at the Harbinger, who sighs and downs another glass of wine. "So as I was saying..."


They exit the restaurant in high spirits, with a tipsy Scaramouche almost tripping down the steps and Aether giggling at him. He scowls and straightens up with a huff.

"Alright, you're free to go," Scaramouche says, waving him off dismissively. "Your debt is repaid."

"Really? That's it?" Aether laughs at the deadpan look Scaramouche shoots at him. "I expected something more diabolical than a dinner date."

The harbinger tsks and starts walking away, frowning when the blond follows. "Do you expect me to be scheming every single time we interact? Please," he rolls his eyes, "I needed a break."

"Are you sure there's no other reason why you decided to go out with me?" Aether probes, peering at his face innocently.

Scaramouche's eyes widen and he halts in his tracks. Aether stops in front of him, smiling as he watches his expression change from outraged to embarrassed to unaffected in the span of seconds. Though the blush on his face gives away his true feelings.

A gentle breeze washes over them and Aether turns away for a moment to gaze at the sea. He could hear the soft chatter of people around them and he feels at ease despite being in the presence of the Fatui harbinger.

"For Tsaritsa's sake," he hears Scaramouche mutter. Aether turns back to see him take off his hat and hold it up to shield their faces from the others.


"Shut up," he growls before cupping his cheek and molding their lips together. Aether gasps, flushing as he feels Scaramouche caress his face with a thumb. Warmth fills him at the affectionate gesture and he pushes back eagerly, wrapping his arms around the Harbinger's neck.

"Wow," he breathes out once they pull apart and Scaramouche puts his hat back on, "That was amazing."

Scaramouche smirks, his usual bravado coming back in spades as he tips Aether's chin up with a finger. "There's more to me than meets the eye," he purrs. "Do you want me to show you?"

Aether laughs and leans in to peck him on the cheek, startling the Harbinger. "I'd like that," he says, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Scaramouche stares back at him with the same contemplative look he had after their first fight. Only this time, instead of a menacing grin, Scaramouche gifts him with a genuine smile. Aether's heart flutters.

"If that's how you feel," Scaramouche says, grasping Aether's hand and bringing it up to his lips, "then may our paths cross again, traveler." He winks. "See ya!"

Aether watches him leave with a flourish, the fabric on his hat swishing in the wind. He looks up at the moon and smiles to himself. Until we meet again, Scaramouche.

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