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"Long time no see,Mae." Sky said.

"What are you doing here? After you left I thought you wouldn't come back." I said angrily.

"But I did come back." He grinned

"Yeah, SEVEN YEARS after you left!!!" I yelled at him.

"Instead of being angry, why don't you let me out of this cage ?"

"Fine Sky, I'll let you out ." I muttered as I opened his cell.

" Oh, and please don't call me Sky . You can call me General Sky ." He said proudly

"General?!" I exclaimed as we walked down the corridor. I slowed my pace.

"Yes General , everyone in my army calls me that." He smiled.

I stopped dead in my tracks. " Whoa, whoa ,whoa you have an ARMY?" My face was probably red right now, but I didn't care.

He stopped as well. "Yep, a lot of stuff happened in the past seven years." He grinned , and we continued walking until we got to,the elevator .

" So Mae, what's for dinner?" Sky said hungrily.

I grinned with my back facing him. "Ink sacs." I joked.

Horror struck his face "INK SACS!! I would never eat ink sacs! Not even in a matter of life or death !"

I smiled " Just kidding!" I laughed " Your still just as gullible as you were seven years ago! By the way tonight's dinner is mushroom stew."

"Cool." He said happily

"Well don't eat anything , I'm gonna go shower and change out of these clothes." I said to him as I walked into my room.

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