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"Plaaayyyyy baaaallll!" Ham calls from the umpire's spot at the school's diamond. "Hurry up, batter. It's gonna be a short game and I gotta get home for lunch."

The batters were going to have a fun time with him as umpire; he was good at distracting them. You knew from experience.


Ham catches the first batter's first strike. "Ha ha! That's one!"


"Y'know, if I had a dog as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards." That one made you snicker and be glad he didn't use it on you.


"The heater, here it comes. I dare you." He points as he makes his observation. "Strike three, you're out!


Phillips was up to bat. "Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked." The bully misses.

"Shut up Porter!"

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation. C'mon." Pause...

"Think she'd go out with me?"


It was now your team's turn to bat, and Ham was up first. He hit it first try. Then Bertram, then Kenny, Squints, Smalls, Yeah-Yeah, Tommy, Timmy, and you.

Everyone slid into home, just barely beating the person trying to tag them. "Gotcha," you smirk, and get up dusting off your jeans.

Benny was up last, and you cheer. He hit the ball and it went flying. He ran all the way around the bases, coming to a stop at home. You all stick your hands out and give each other high-fives.


That night, Bertram suggested that you all go out to celebrate, since you beat the crap out of those guys. The carnival was in town, so you collectively decided to go there for the night.

"Hey, guys guys guys. It's all on me tonight!" Benny offers and hands everyone tickets.

The first ride y'all decided on was the Trabant.

As you were climbing the steps, Bertram calls you all back. "Aw crap! I almost forgot!" He pats his pockets as everyone gathers back around him.

"What, Bertram?" You ask. The others ask the same thing.

He pulls a bag out of his pocket and shows it to everyone. "Chaw! I was saving it for a good time." Oh geez.

"What is it?" Smalls asks, and you wish he hadn't asked. He was losing his innocence every time y'all were together, just like you were losing brain cells.

"Big Chief," he takes a whiff. "The best."

"Sheesh, Smalls! I suppose you don't even know who The Babe is, either!" Ham teases. Everyone laughs, and Benny puts his hands on Smalls' shoulders. "It's plug. Wad. Chewing tobacco?"

"'Baccy, man."

"Whaddya do with it?" Smalls asks, but everyone looks at him in disbelief. Even you were a bit confused.

"You're killin' me Smalls!" Ham grabs a wad and shoves it in his mouth. "Chew it, of course!"

"You do?"


"Yeah, sure man. All the pros do it!"

"Yeah yeah, it gives you tons of energy!"

"Let's dip! Let's dip!" Timmy and Tommy exclaim.

"You got it, guys." Bertram grabs some for himself before passing it around. When it got to you, you shook your head in refusal.

"Nah, I would rather not feel like shit."

"Aw, c'mon Y/N! It's good!" Bertram shoves it in your face. You roll your eyes and take a teeny, tiny bit, just to humor them. "Let's ride!" Then you put it in your mouth, waiting until they had all run to the ride, then you spit it out and follow after them.

You walk around the ride trying to find a spot until Benny waves you over. You nod and slide in next to him. He was chewing the Big Chief and you were worried how the spinning would affect the guys.

"Woohoo!" you cheer as it got faster and faster. You could hear the boys all around the ride whooping and yelling, too. It was going very well until they stopped cheering. You watched as Kenny, right in front of you, started groaning. You looked around at the other boys, and saw their faces were paling. Then, you saw Benny pale next to you too.

"Y/N, I don't feel good," he whispers, and faces you. You grab his head and move his face away from you while grimacing.

"Oh, no you don't. Hold it in, Benjamin. Stop the ride!" You call, and just as you do, Kenny throws up. "EW!" you screech as it flies past you and Benny. "Benny, just wait a bit longer. C'mon, you can do it," you urge, and his cheeks get bigger.

More of your friends throw up, and the ride finally stops. You unhook yourself as fast as you can and pull Benny out, leading him down the stairs and to some grass. "I'm gonna-" and he pukes. You rub his back and look away, waiting for him to finish.

The other boys walk shakily down the stairs, and you try not to look at their shirts. Disgusting. "Guys, come on. We're going home." You grab Benny's shoulders and lead them groaning and burping towards their houses. Benny had to stop and throw up again a few more times, and so did the other boys, but he always came back and leaned on your shoulder.

Once you dropped the other boys off at their houses, helping them get inside unnoticed, you walked Benny home.

Before you passed your driveway, however, he grabbed your hand and asked if he could stay at your house for a bit. You reluctantly agreed, trying to come up with a good excuse for your parents.

"Hey, mom! We're home." You lead Benny to the bathroom, where you gave him a glass of water and a new shirt from your dad's closet.

"Hey, Y/N! Who's with you?" she asks, and stands in the doorway.

"Um, Benny got sick so I thought I'd bring him here and take care of him." You grab a washcloth and grab his chin, wiping off his face.

She smiles. "Alright. Are you staying over, Benny?"

"Oh, no. I can go home, I didn't mean to intrude," he says, and immediately pales after.

"Well, it's fine with me if you don't feel too good. I bet Y/N would love to play doctor. I can make you some soup if you want?"

"That'd be great, thanks mom!" and you shoo her out of the bathroom. You look back at your sick best friend and he smiles weakly. "You wanna brush your teeth or something?"

He took a while to think, but finally answered. "I'll brush my teeth. And maybe I should talk to my-"

"Already on it. There's an extra toothbrush in the second drawer and there's toothpaste on the counter. I'll go talk to your mom." You smile and leave him to freshen up. You called Mrs. Rodriguez and asked her, surprisingly she said yes. So you walked back down the hall and found Benny in your room, laying on the floor. "Ben, you okay?"

"I have a killer headache and I feel like I'm gonna faint, but otherwise I'm just dandy," he mumbles into the floor. You chuckle and sit on your bed.

"Well, what'd you expect from chewing tobacco and going on a spinning ride?"

"I dunno what I was thinking... But I'm tired."

"Okay, well come sit on my bed with me and I can read to you." You get up and sit against the headboard, and Benny lays down and puts his head in your lap.

You pick up To Kill A Mockingbird and start reading.

After a few minutes, soft snores came from Benny. You look down and brush your hands through his hair, admiring his face.

Wait. Were you checking him out? Nah, he's just a friend. You slowly get up from under him and put a blanket over him. "Night, Ben. Hope you feel better." You kiss his cheek and lay down on your floor with a pillow.

a/n- 3k?!? ily guys

{apr. 7, 2021}

she's alright {benny rodriguez}Where stories live. Discover now