Chapter 2 - Billionaire Meets Billionaire

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The next day...

After explaining the situation to the rest of the heroes, their memories slowly began returning upon finally recognising Thor and his new look.

While a majority of them went seperate ways on the island, Thor goes alone around the island, one POI at a time, to warn the people and see if they could help in some way. Ironman, also known as Tony Stark, however, immediately gets to work on creating rift beacons for a specific purpose.

Interested, Midas and the others decide to accompany him, with Jules being curious, wondering if she could help him build whatever it was he was building.

"Hey, Tony right?" She double checks.

"The one and only. How can I assist you?" He asks, turning around from his whiteboard.

"Well, it's not a matter of you assisting me, but the other way around."

"She's a highly talented engineer, so I suspect her skills may prove useful?" Midas adds, complimenting her. Jules blushes in embarrassment, punching her brother's shoulder softly.

"Well, I suppose I'll need an extra pair of hands, especially for my future projects. So I guess you can lend me a hand er... Jules?"

Jules nods.

"Yeah. Well, Julie bean, I'll let you know whenever I'll need two pairs of hands to help me." Tony smiles, winking. "Now that I think about it, I haven't gotten to know you three yet."

Tony looks over to Sophie, Skye and Midas.

"Well I'm Skye, legendary adventurer and secret agent! ...or at least I used to be a secret agent." Skye chirps up, posing valiantly. "And this is my friend, Ollie!" She points up at her winged hat, who squeaks out an "Ollie!!" in response.

"Oh, there's not really much about me to know...but my name is Sophie. There really isn't anything special about me unlike these two." Sophie smiles, pointing at Skye and Midas.

"Oh yeah? What does this guy have better than sentient hats?" Tony wonders, approaching the golden mastermind.

"There's a lot that people don't know about me, and things only a certain handful know." Midas hums, folding his arms. "For now, you may know my name: Midas. The mastermind behind the Ghost Agency and cursed with a golden touch."

Tony looks at him in surprise.

"Midas? As in that Greek mythology? King Midas?" He clarifies. He stares at him in confusion.

"I beg your pardon Mr Stark?"

"Y'know, the Midas that turned his daughter to gold? No?"

"I don't have a daughter." He replies. "But you are correct about my ability to turn things I touch into gold... even human beings."

His golden eye glows vibrantly, a small smile on his face.

"Huh. I guess different rules apply in this world." Tony mutters to himself. "Anyway, you were the leader of an Agency."

He points to the abandoned building in the distance. Midas nods, turning back to him.

"The building wasn't always like that. It's just what's left of the war that ended weeks ago."

"Yeah! He's really good at what he does too! He's so smart, and nice once you get to know him." Sophie buts in, giggling slightly as she feels Midas staring down at her. "But I guess you could call him the richest man on the island. What's the right word?"

"You mean a billionaire? Like yours truly." Tony smirks, pointing at himself.

"Perhaps, if its the right term you'd prefer to use for me."

Sophie can't help but smile, seeing how the two billionaires talk to each other.

"Why can I imagine you two being friends eventually?" She blurts out, laughing. Midas blushes, whilst Tony lets out a chuckle.

"Maybe through your imagination, Goldilocks." He sighs.

Midas sighs in frustration.

"Tony's a smart guy I'll give him that. But goodness he's probably going to be a nuisance with that sense of humour."

"Well, I think we ought to get home. As much as we'd love to chat, we don't want to get in the way of your work!" Skye grins.

"Well, alright. Oh, Jules. If you ever need my help or you want to help me, he's my number." He passes Jules a note with a number on it.

"Er, thanks Tony."

The group begin heading for home, stepping through the river leading away from the Authority. Stepping out the river, Midas suddenly hears something... strange.

"Huh? Do you hear that?"

He looks around, aimlessly looking for the source. Truthfully, it sounds a lot like him.

"Midas? You ok there buddy?" Sophie asks, waving a hand over his eye.

Blinking a few times, he snaps out of his daze and faces the girl.

"Hm? Oh, my apologies. I just thought I...heard something." He chuckles lightly, feeling paranoid. Did he really hear something? Or was it his imagination.

"Um, I don't hear anything Midas..."

He shakes it off, regaining his focus.

"Nevermind, forget it. Let us go on." He mutters, walking ahead of the other girls.

They look at each other in confusion, but decide to ignore it for now, and head home.


Later that evening...

"So, he ended the Ghost and Shadow war? No, that won't do! Without a distraction, he might trying breaking the loop, again!"

Midas wakes up to the sound of someone speaking to a woman over the phone. He looks around, finding himself sitting in some kind of office.

He tries to question himself on where he might be, but when he speaks...

No sound.

"What in the..?" He asks in his head, covering his mouth with a golden hand.

Turning his attention to the files sat on the desk, he's surprised to find on with his face and a stamp reading 'Top Secret'. There's also one for Jules and...

"Why is there one on the kid?! No... don't tell me she's from outside the!-"

"Yeah I know he broke the loop. Him stopping the war between the two factions doesn't change a thing. I'm not resting until he's gone. That, or his memories are going bye-bye, Janice!" The man behind the office door shouts, coming inside.

Midas looks up at the man as he stares back at him. He doesn't look at all happy. And yet, despite the situation he was in, he feels his cheeks slowly heat up as he sees the man in front of him.

"What the hell?! It's you again! You're the one who broke the loop!! The guy I've been keeping a close eye on because of what you did!"

That's all Midas can make out before his vision blurs out and a bright light covers his view...

Only to awake in his bed, back on the island.

"What the hell was that just about now?" He wonders, relieved that he can speak again. "It was that man behind the office... the one I saw when I first activated the device and broke the loop."

But there was still one thing bugging him:

Why would they have a top secret file on Sophie?

Could she really be from outside the loop? And if that's the case, how the hell did she end up on Apollo? Because as far as he knows and what Skye told him, she was here before the device was even built.

A/N - Hey I'm back now. Had a nice few days off... online school sucks, but I'm trying to find time to do this. I dunno if updates are gonna be slower but as long as my motivation doesn't die we'll be ok. 👍

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