Chapter Sixteen

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"Buy me a drink?" I flutter my eyelids, receiving a ruffle on my head.

"Princess, I'll buy you a whole damn store."


As soon as Lexi and Stefan enter the establishment, I hopped over to them and swung my arms around their necks.

"Steffie! Sexy Lexi! Welcome to the party! Business up front, party in the back. I better see you dancing Edward Cullens."

I was dancing with Enzo when all of the sudden, someone was covering my eyes. Judging by the scent, I could tell who it was.

"Maxie!" I squeal as he engulfs me into a bear hug.

"Ellie! Tell me that you weren't drinking."

"I was not drinking..."

He gives me a look of doubt.

"Who is this, princess?" Enzo asks, feeling a bit left out.

"Max Red, Ellie's best friend."

"Lorenzo St. John. How long have you known each other?"

"Oh, it feels like a life time," Max says with a sly smirk.

"ELLIE!" An obnoxiously loud voice screeches from across the room. Before I can turn around, I am knocked over by the sheer force of the person running into me and squeezing the life out of me.

"Caroline! Bonnie! I'm glad you made it!"

"Duh, when have I ever turned down a party?"

"Who's this?" Bonnie asks curiously.

"Lorenzo St. John. Pleasure to meet you."

"Tall, dark, and handsome. Where did you find this one?"

"I rescued him from a bunch of pyschos."

"Wait, were you the one who set Whitmore's Research Facility on fire?" Both the girls look at me with disappointment before shaking their heads.

"Pay up," Caroline says all too happily to Bonnie, who grumbles under her breath and hands her a twenty. I roll my eyes and head over to Lexi and Stefan.



"That's my boy!"

"Stefan smiles. Alert the media," Damon says as he walks up to us.

"Maybe if you weren't such a bitch to him, he'd smile more."

Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother; does it get tiring being so righteous?"

"Does it ever get tiring always being everyone's second choice?"

"Ouch, consider my feelings hurt."

"Consider me not giving a fuck, knock-off wannabe Spike."


"Two shots of tequila," Lexi says before looking at me," Make that three."

"I need to see some ID."

"No you don't."

"That'll be-"


"On the house."


Lexi brings over the drinks to me.

"Oh! The famous Elena."

"Ugh, call me Ellie or Elle. I hate the name Elena."

"Here." She gives me a surprised look when I gulp it down in one shot.

"Thanks for visiting Stefan. He really enjoys having you around."

"Well that the benefit of knowing someone for over a hundred years. You can just be yourself."

"True dat. I notice you're lacking some jewelries for outside. You want me to get you one?"

"Is that possible?"

"Oh honey, anything is possible with me. Tell you what, two daylight rings for your number."

"I'm taken but sure."

"I know darling, the second one is for your boyfriend."

"How did-"

"I know a lot of things. You should head over to the Boarding House."

"I should head over to the Boarding House." Woah! I did not expect that to work.

"Stay safe. I'll let Stefan know."


As expected, Lexi was not killed. It was some other dude who I didn't know. I know I should feel guilty about letting someone uninvolved get killed, but it really didn't matter to me. As long as the people I wanted safe were safe, I'd do anything to protect them.

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