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The boy stood there majestically, looking like an explorer for new lands as he gazed across the classroom.

"What the fuck are you doing" said a small purple haired rat boy whilst he painted a bit of his head pink. Kamakura stared at him and left, running into... HER. "Oh heya" she said, a mass of bandages around her head from their last wild painful and windy encounter.

Kamakura stared, surely looking like a fucking serial killer and booped the girl "Baka" and ran away gleefully as though he had not just stood in a classroom for half an hour, stepped out, booped Mikan who he presumed to be Chiaki and left.

Suddenly he came across... him.

Nagito stood there tinkering with some device or other in the structural supports of the school, Kamakura stopped running and breathed breathlessly, slowly advancing on the boy.

Nagito stood up suddenly knocking his head into Kamakuras nose, booping him.

At this transgression Kamakura snapped screaming "BAKA" he grabbed the boy and chucked him out the window, Nagito however landed on a soft crash mat called Chiaki Nanami. She kept on playing her game, tirelessly trying to beat *insert non copyrighted difficult villain* whilst Nagito pirouetted down the street holding his bomb detonator, just his luck to meet kamakura, he whispered it in-audibly to anyone but him "Baka" as he smirked, clicking the button.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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