Chapter 3

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It was only 6:00 AM but Regulus could not sleep any later. At home if they didn't get up before 7:00 then Kreacher would throw away there breakfast. Although whenever Regulus slept in (which was hardly ever) Kreacher would sneak him a piece of toast. Sirius had always treated Kreacher terribly so sometimes even if it was still 6:50 Kreacher would throw away Sirius breakfast. That didn't matter anyways because even though Sirius had been raised on waking up before 7 it was a rare when he would wake up before 9.

Regulus tried to stop the train of thought then but it was to late he was already remembering the day Sirius left.

Regulus would usually save Sirius a piece of toast or some bacon but the day before Kreacher had caught Regulus sneaking it into his pockets. Of course Regulus had talked Kreacher into not telling his parents but Regulus didn't think he could get away with it again.

So that morning Regulus decided to wake Sirius up instead. But when Regulus walked into his room all he saw was an empty bed and a note. The note was written in Sirius' messy script which used to surprise him, growing up they had to learn to write neatly but now he had gotten used to it.

dear family,

it is clear now that I can no longer stay here with this family. I have decided to go live with James Potter and hopefully I will never have to come back here or see any of your faces ever again.

Padfoot/Sirius black

Regulus rushed back into his room and destroyed the note before his parents even knew Sirius was missing.

The memory brought tears to his eyes but Regulus quickly blinked them away. Regulus got out of bed and decided some breakfast would be nice.

When Regulus walked into the common room Severus Snape was sitting in a chair by the newly made fine. Regulus couldn't tell if he was asleep or not so he tried to be a little more quiet. But as Regulus walked down the stairs Severus turned his head. Regulus nodded his head to say hello. Severus was a weird kid and him and the Marauders hated each other so much so most Slytherins just ignored him and try not to get caught in the middle of there curse battles that the Marauders usually won by just hanging Snape upside down or something.

When Snape realized who it was he jumped up which surprised Regulus. Snape and Regulus had never even had a conversation and now Snape was jumping to his feet to see him.

"Hello Regulus" Snape said as he cleared his throat clearly he had been sitting there for a few hours.

"Hello Snape are you usually up this early?"

"Oh um no I was just talking with Lily but um I saw your um interaction with Potter yesterday."

At these words all the color drained out of Regulus' face. 'Oh fuck now Severus Snapes knows about my brother he is surly going to tell the whole school trying to embarrass Sirius'

"Oh um yeah. I um just didn't see Potter coming." Regulus responded.

"Yeah and that's the problem nether did I it's as if he appeared out of no where."

At these words Regulus breathed a sigh of relief he either didn't know or didn't want bring up that Sirius was disowned. "Oh um yeah that is strange but did you hear what he said?" Regulus needed to know that Snape didn't here about Sirius.

"No I couldn't hear a thing I was coming back in from outside when you ran into him." And with that Regulus was done with this conversation.

"He said that he was also distracted and the only people in the hall was me him you and Timothy going in the other direction. Well I have to go, maybe I will see you later." And with that Regulus made his way to breakfast.

Regulus first class was ancient runes. He thought it was a boring class but it was better then history of magic and he wanted to work as a curse breaker at Gringotts so he thought it was a useful tool to have.

His next class was care of magical creatures. He had forgotten why he took this class he didn't really care for creatures but at least it was outside.

During lunch Regulus sat with Timmy but he was not paying attention because shortly after they had sat down the marauders came in. Regulus kept glancing up at Sirius who was paler then Lupin who was probably the palest kid Regulus had ever seen and Regulus could only guess why.

Regulus felt bad about how Sirius learned that he had been disowned but as he looked at his brother from even across the room his stomach tided into a knot and he knew that he Regulus would never had been able to tell him face to face.

During charms Regulus sat with Timothy and decided that he should tell him about his run in with James.

Charms had always been an easy class to have private conversations in but Regulus still kept his voice well below a whisper while telling the story. Regulus was so nerves and the fact that Timothy didn't say anything until at least 2 minutes after Regulus was done did not help. "Well at least now he knows right?" Regulus had to agree it was nice to know that Sirius wouldn't try knocking on the front door over Christmas with a bouquet of flowers saying sorry.

After charms professor Flitwick asked Regulus and Timmy to stay back and clean up. This took a surprisingly long time and they ended up being 10 minutes late to potions.

"I'm so sorry we're late professor we had to stay back in charms." Regulus told professor Slughorn when they ran into potions.

"It's alright me boy I was just going over the potion we'll be making today there is a free table in the back why don't you and er..." Professor Slughorn tried to remember Timothys name before giving up and waving his hand at him "go back and sit there." Regulus knew that professor Slughorn would never get him in trouble but he was still quite relieved, so relieved in fact that he didn't realize who was sitting at the table next to them until he heard a familiar voice start talking next to him.

"Ya know what Prongs I think if we ever pulled a stunt like that the teacher would amuse we were lying and give us detention anyways." The boy said with a chuckle.

"Ya know Sirius we have pulled that stunt before and McGonagall did give us detention anyway to be far though we also were lying about it."

Regulus stomach dropped he knew for a fact that James Potter and Sirius Black were sitting at the table next to him.

I hope y'all like the chapter sorry I ended it kinda on a cliffhanger

just wondering what house are y'all in?

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