“That is true but also I can be a way to connect with people from different continents and some people find their soul mates there” she argued
“Those are amazing but not enough to convince me” I chuckled.

“You sound exactly like my mother” she joked

“What ever happened to physical connections?” Angie asked

“Those suck Mom” Ruby said and I couldn’t agree more but in my case, I didn’t care much for connections as I already have the people that I needed.

“Anyways lets agree to disagree” Angie said, I didn’t know her as someone who gave up but the relationship with Ruby was still fragile and she seemed like she didn’t want it to break.

“Mom, please get me some doughnuts?” Ruby said.

“Baby they don’t have them here” Angie said

“I am craving for them badly and I feel like I might pass out without a bite” 

“Okay, I’ll take Jane with me” Angie suggested

“No mom, Jane stays” she dismissed her mother and Angie took her purse and hurried out the door.

“You know I spent so much time trying to convince my mother to tell me why she left my father when things seemed fine between them. I had asked my father and he said that he loved my mother and she loved him too but my mother wasn’t yet ready to talk about it so I tried everything to get her to talk to me. I tried to rebel with the hopes that my spiral would force her to talk to me, I tried being nice, I tried so many things and all of those only pushed me further away from our special relationship. My father tried to convince me wait until she was ready but I have never been a patient person so I started preferring my dad over her, I didn’t hate her but I felt like maybe she didn’t love me because of how I treated her” Ruby said

“Your mother loves you dearly, I watched how she tried to fix what was broken and every time she failed, she felt like she wasn’t a good mother even if I tried to explain that she actually was the best mother anyone could ever ask for”

“It wasn’t my intention to hurt her like that”

“But you did, sometimes sitting down and talking to someone can be better. When my mother left me alone with my coma ridden father, I hated her and I couldn’t wait to blame everything on her but Angie convinced me to try to calm down and actually talk to my mother and I am certain that Angie would’ve preferred it if you just sat down and talked to her” I have always hated how Ruby treated Angie and now that I know why, I felt somewhat bad for not liking her when we had been in the same situation.

“I understand that now. While my dad was in pain he told me that my mother preferred the company of other woman and the only way I can fix this broken relationship was if I supported her because that is what she deserved from the moment she knew who she was. I hate always been taught to respect people and I would have never judged or hated her so I didn’t understand why she never thought that she could talk to me about something as serious and this” Ruby seemed hurt and concerned.

“I am sure it wasn’t about you, I think that she was still wrapping her head around it”

“Maybe but I think that something was missing or someone” she suggested

“Maybe but also for people in her line of work it couldn’t be easier”

“That too but I am glad she finally got out of that closet” I heard a soft chuckled

“Indeed” I smiled.

“Apparently we have a lot in common according to my mother” Ruby said

“I believe we do”

“How did you deal with losing your father?” the question was as sudden as rain in winter.

“I spent years telling him goodbye because I was lucky enough to do that and when he was officially gone, I cried myself to sleep knowing that my mother, Anna and Angie were there for me”

“So it takes a support system?”


I hadn’t noticed that Ruby had a few tears streaming down from her beautiful eyes. Her soft sniffles didn’t reach my ear but as soon as I realised that she was indeed crying, I held on to her and caressed her back the same way Anna would do to relax me if I wasn’t feeling okay.

“I just miss him so much” Ruby said.

“I know that he misses you too but always keep in mind that he is always with you even if you cannot see him” I said

“Do you believe that?” she asked

“Yes and sometimes talking to him helps” I suggested.

“Do you talk to your father?”

“All the time especially when I feel like I need him”

“Thank you”

“No thank you” I said while wiping away tears from her face.

“Hi!” our embrace was disturbed by a chirpy Anna, she was holding a fruit basket and a few get well soon balloons

“Anna!” I said as soon as I saw her.

“How are you holding up?” she said looking at Ruby.

“I am Okay” Ruby said

“I got you some fruits and these horribly decorated balloons?” she chuckled

“Thank you but you know introductions are essential right” Ruby said

“Oh I am sorry, my name is Anna the best friend of this idiot” Anna said while Ruby laughed.

“Anna behave please” I begged

“You know that is not me” I knew that Anna wanted to lessen the tension that hovered around us and she was doing a good job as Ruby was laughing like she wasn’t just crying.

“Here are your doughnuts” Angie walked in with a pink box.

“Oh it is a party” Anna said.

“Thank you mom” Ruby said.

Angie walked towards Ruby and handed her the box and her whole face lit up. I love doughnuts myself but I didn’t know that they could have that affect on anyone.

“I hope you didn’t scare Jane” she warned.

“I tried but she is too strong for me” Ruby chuckled.

“I’ve always known” Angie smirked.

The rest of the day was spent in that tiny room chatting away as if we were mates, Anna and Angie had gotten in to a few disagreements while Ruby and I got along well but unfortunately, it was time for us to leave Angie and Ruby as visiting hours are over although Ruby had begged me to stay. Her personality was the complete opposite of Angie, She had the ability to portray all her emotions, she was not as argumentative as Angie and she was strong willed in comparison to Angie.

“I will call you later” Angie said pulling me out of my head “Please tell your mother that I will be okay” I told Ruby and she chuckled.

“Okay then and Anna, please make sure she locks the door” Angie joked.

“You need to stop worrying about Jane” Anna said while walking out.

“I’m sorry” Angie said

“I know you are just going through a lot so I don’t mind and I will lock the door” I assured her

“I love you” she said

“I love you more”

“Please get a room you two!” Ruby said.

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