"She looks hard to handle, we can help you."

"Um no... that's ok. I got her."

Trying to pull away, a hand touched my lower back as one of the guys approached me.

"Don't be like that."

His touch felt like a bucket of cold water and made my skin itch.

"Don't touch me, thank you."

"Awe don't be shy."

The feeling of his hand sliding down my back made me flinch, until the touch disappeared leaving the sound of him yelping in pain.

"I think she said not to touch her."

I heard Zach sneer as he twisted the guy's arm behind his back. Throwing him a little away, he crashed into the wall, before collapsing onto the floor.

"What the fuck is your problem."

The other guy yelled, before charging at Zach. Quickly moving Catherine and I out the way, I heard a fist collide with something and a crunch sound. Flinching, I tried to look over Catherine's shoulder, but all I saw was Zach's back.

"You ok?"

A hand touched my back, and I glanced beside me to see Addie.

"I'm ok, can't say about those guys."

"What happened?"

"They were trying to take my cousin somewhere. When I approached them, she grabbed me, and one got touchy. Zach got involved and the other one ran at Zach causing whatever is going on over there."

Nodding her head, she glanced at them, before rolling her eyes.

"Zach you good over there?"

Glancing over Catherine again, he had turned with a wild look on his face. It reminded me of that day in school, and I bit my lower lip. Moving over, he nodded his head.

"I'm fine."

Reaching over, he pressed a kiss close to my lips.

"You're not hurt, right?"

"I'm fine, but can we go?"

Nodding his head, he glanced at Catherine for a moment. Before turning to Addie, Zach's friend then appeared taking Catherine from me.

"I hope you had fun Melissa, see you next time."

Addie smiled pulling me into a tight hug, not knowing what else to do, I hugged her back. Suddenly being ripped away, Zach gave her a look, before pulling me away.

In the car, Catherine was fast asleep against the window. What are we going to do with her?

"Is there somewhere I can take her?"

I can't possibly take her home, Aunt Cali would kill her and maybe me as well. The only option would be to sneak her into my house.


Lifting my head, I stared at Zach from the mirror.

"Just take us to my house."

Raising an eyebrow, before nodded his head anyways.

Getting to my house, he drove passed it for a moment, and I noticed that Dad's car wasn't there. Telling him to park in the driveway. I got out first, pulling out a key, and opening the door. Peeping inside, I cut on the light, and noticed a note on the table.

Had to go in on a call. See you later – Dad.

Thank god for his job, and I turned walking back to the door. Motioning them to come inside, Zach glanced around, before meeting my eyes.

Falling For The Badboy *Revised*Where stories live. Discover now