~Chapter 2 || Disapearance~

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It's about 11 p.m, what would someone be doing coming to our house so late without notice? Alfie gets up and goes to answer the door. I distract myself and focus on the t.v, I feel the familiar feeling of the deep, dark hole growing in the pit of my stomach, anxiety. Oh gosh what if it's a robber? What if it's a killer? I should have told him not to answer the door! Anxiety growing bigger within me. Okay, calm down Zoe, calm down. It's probably just a delivery man or perhaps a friend who just stopped by whilst in the neighbourhood. I force the thoughts out of my head and call to Alfie. "Alfie? Who's at the door?" I wait for what feels like hours for a response, but I'm greeted with silence. I turn off the t.v as I hear a loud bang on the wall. Oh gosh what's happening? Are my "what if's" Turing into a reality? Alfie could be in serious trouble! I get up abruptly and run to the hall with Nala running at my feet. When i get there I freeze and take in the scenario. Alfie is pinned up against the wall struggling against a large man.. I know him all too well.. "Z-Zoe" he stutters with an unsure smile. "Evan" I try to be tough but I'm not sure how it's working out for me. I can see the surprise in Alfie's eyes. How did EVAN get this address? What the hell does he want?!? I take a deep breath then start speaking "Evan, what the hell are you doing?" I say as sternly as possible. " Uh.." He averts his eyes. "How did you find my address? What are you doing in my house? Why do you have a gun in your hand? Why is my boyfriend pinned against a wall?" It all comes out in a rush, I talk fast wanting Evan out of my house.. heck I just never want to see him EVER again. " 'Lot of questions there Zo, same as always I see. Curious and beautiful". "Evan, you haven't answered any of my questions, and don't ever call me "Zo" again" I cross my arms growing frustrated. "Zoe.." Alfie croaks. "Oh god sorry Alfie, Evan put him down". He does as told and straightens himself out. "Let me explain" he says with a grin that's way to creepy. "I've been watching you closely Zoe, ever since our breakup I never stopped thinking of you. I watched your videos and eventually watched you in person.. From a distance". holy crap is this lunatic saying what I think he's saying? Has Evan been stalking me? I shiver at the thought. "It's been eating me away for years. Our breakup has gotten my heart broken into a million pieces. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and what I did. It hurts me to see you with another guy, having fun, laughing, like we used to.. So I came to end my pain once and for all and kill Alfie" he raises his gun and aims it at Alfie. I step in front of him. "Evan you will leave NOW. What we had before, means absolutely nothing to me now. Your jealousy is just making you look like an even bigger fool to me. So please, get out of my life I never want to see you again Evan." I see a flash of hurt in his eyes but it's quickly replaced by anger he storms out of the house slamming the door behind him. I stand there stunned, wow I didn't think he'd leave so easily. I then turn to Alfie, "are you okay gorgeous?" I study his face he seems to be fine just in a lot of shock. I don't blame him I'm still trying to process what happened. "I'm fine Zoe, the question is who was that guy? How do you know him?". "Alfie, I thought I'd mentioned him before? Evan, he's my ex.. Remember?". "Ah yes, I remember now, he's the one that cheated on you". "yes that's the one.. Anyways Alfie just keep your eyes open from know on okay? Pay more attention to your surroundings" I say as I lock the door. "Same goes to you.." He says seeming to be deep in thought. I look around, something is missing. "Wait.. Alfie?" I ask worry creeping into my voice making it tremble. he looks up at me "what's wrong little one?" My voice is trembling so much I can barely speak but I finally force it out "W-where's Nala?"
Aaaaaaaaaaannnndddd CLIFFHANGER WOOO 😂😂😂 anyways guys I have like 50 reads now or something like that and I just want to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, I NEVER EXPECTED MANY READS I LOVE YOU GUYS SOO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ and also I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Hannah, zoellaslipstick and Jenna who have supported me so much I love you guys 😘😘😘 || don't forget to vote and comment! I really love seeing your comments ❤️❤️
xx, Angelina

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