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"I hate Mondays!" I yawned after occupying my seat. I'm so bored, really. Why do Mondays exist anyways?

My eyes went through the calender on the side table. Then my attention perks like the ears of a cat, so today is it? The female lead will come our company as one of the participants in the model campaign. I smile at mysef, the female lead huh? I bet she is beautiful like what the books says and I'm getting excited.

I hum while making a coffee for the whore boss. As usual, the man whore sits in his arm chair and busy scanning the proposals.


"Yes Sir?"

"I need you to assist me and summarize all the reports for the upcoming selection SG campaign model",

"Okay sir", I said while noting it at my notepad on the side of my waist.

I bow slightly and made my way outside when a girl just bump into me. Since, my fat is all just costumes we both fell on the floor. I'm below and she was on top of me.

"Aww!" she crumbled.

My eyes narrow at her. She bump into me and fell into me and it still hurt? How about me who shoulder all your weight huh?

"What's going on?" my boss' cold eyes bore at me. No, precisely at the woman above me.

The woman mesmerize at my boss beautiful and at the same time cold face. Uh. oh. Another mouse on the trap.

She stand up and dust off her short skirt. Without any words, her eyes turn misty and her cheeks puff while throwing me an accusing glares.

What did I just do?

"I'm sorry. I'm just looking for the comfort room when I bump into her. She's on my way so we both fell on the floor", she said. Did her tone just pointing out that it's my fault?

Standing up. And more or less, since when the CEO's Office looks like a comfort room? Is she clumsy or crazy? (٥↼_↼)

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to my secretary", my boss spat out and his eyes went on me.

For a moment I thought I saw a hint of gentleness when his eyes landed on me. Nah. It's all my imaginations.

"B-But..." the woman tried to speak but the moody man's look made her shut up.

"Barbara please handle this. I had enough", he said annoyed and slam the door shut upon us.

The woman's eyes linger to the door when I speak.

"Miss, I think you should go back to your group or else you might get into trouble. This is the Office of the CEO not a rest room", I said monotonously. My good mood had already fluctuate because of this woman.

She sigh.

Trying to connect both of her pointing finger she asked while blushing.

"Do you think he like me that's why he let you handle me?"

(눈‸눈) - me

Girl are you a hypocrite or lunatic?

In what sense that a man who likes you will let his secretary handle you?

Especially, from my perspective. That man was annoyed to you, not attracted to  you.

"Miss. Take my advise. Drink your medicine and stop dreaming on a broad daylight", I took a step towards my table and left the stupid woman.

All my hopes went dry as I look at the woman slash female lead in disappointment. Does female leads suppose to be clumsy?

Did she think that because of her clumsiness, the male lead will fall for her.

If the author did that, I might vomit blood.

Plotline's Ms. Gate CrasherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt