The Letter

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The first day of senior year, a fresh start. This was supposed to be my year to relax and have fun just like the many generations of high school seniors before me, but it was also going to be my year to finally let go. I had to face the reality that Juniper and I just aren't meant to meet, we were too different, polar opposites. I watched this movie once about a girl that would write love letters to every boy she'd ever loved, but the letters were only written when she was ready to let go of them. Of course all the letters ended up being shared, but I liked the idea of writing down every thing you loved about that person and then setting you heart free of them, so I wrote. 

Dear Juniper Dallas,

I fell in love with you the moment I set eyes on you freshmen year. Your beauty is beyond any I've ever seen. I love your rosy lips, curvy hips, and how confidently you speak. I love how you make me feel like I have a reason to get up in the morning even if I'm just that kid in the back of the classroom that you never noticed. I wish I could hold you in my arms and never let go. I've prayed so many times to be human so that I could hold your hand even for a second. Though you shall never see this letter I want to tell you that I love you and will till the end of time itself.

Love, Landon Hunter :)

I lean back with a sigh, well that was the end of that. I smile at the letter, I was finally letting go.

*Ringgggg...* the bell rings and my classmates shoot up gathering their bags and notes. people whip by my desk as I gather up my bag and reach out to grab my letter too. Wait. I look down to see a clear desk there's nothing there. The letter's gone. I search on the floor in front of me before I see the damn stray piece of paper gliding across the floor. I race to grab it, but before I can it's stepped with a barely audible *crunch.* The shoe lifts up slightly and a hand comes down to snatch up the paper, my eyes trail up following the letter all the way up to the face of Eve Lincoln. Would you believe it? One of the three people at school who even knew my name, the other two being the lunch lady and the principal. She's hated me ever since I made her spill her juice box back in the first grade, you'd think she'd be over it by now. Eve scans over the letter face going from confused to surprised to sinister. Her eyes find me at the back of the class and a smirk spreads on her face before she folds the letter and tucks it into her back pocket. 

My. Life. Is. Over.

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