Chapter 2

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"B-bunny.." Tamaki mutters, looking at you and crawls over to you and holds you tightly.

You hold him back mumbling, "I'm sorry.."

"D-don't be sorry bunny.. you j-just shocked me.. that's all" he replies.

He cleans your wounds with a small towel he had grabbed from near by and he then gets up and runs you a warm bath.

"What bath bomb would you like? Would you like bubbles? Or nothing?" He looks over at you as you sat on the floor in fear.

You look up at him, "b-baby I'm fine.." You mumble to Tamaki.

"No please just tell me what you'd like.." he looks concerned as he picks you up and places you in the bath.

"B-bubbles.." you mumble again.

He grabs a bath bubble mixture and puts it in the bath.

"I'll be back to check up on you every 15 minutes ok bunny? I love you so so much and you know I'm here for you.." He said, kissing your forehead.

Tamaki Amajiki x GenderNeutral Reader (Comfort!)Where stories live. Discover now