2. Brett 9-15 / Eddy 8-14

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Eddy hastily stumbled out of the school minivan as soon as it parked in front of his house and its door was pulled open by his greeting mother.

"Oh my, take it easy Eddy. Good thing I was here to catch you."

Eddy hugged his mother tightly as he talked very quickly.

"Hi mum ! Mum, mum, mum, can I take violin lessons? Please ???"

Mrs Chen was stunned. The idea of getting music lessons for her son was new to her.

She quickly thanked the minivan driver and managed to lead her very excited son into their house. Eddy quickly took off his shoes and made his way into the living room and sat on the sofa. He couldn't contain his excitement and was bouncing up and down.

"Please mum, Brett said I have good ears to become a great musician!"

"Who's Brett?"

"This really cool kid I met at my mainstream school visit today. He plays the violin."

"I see..."

After a phone call to Eddy's school, followed by another to Brett's school and leaving a message with Brett's teacher, Mrs Chen managed to speak to Mrs Yang, Brett's mother.

"Hello, is this Mrs Chen ? Oh my goodness, I hope my silly son didn't say anything disrespectful to your boy. Is this what it's about ?"

"Oh no, Mrs Yang, not at all, my Eddy was so happy to meet your Brett today. I was just wondering if you knew of any violin teachers for my son?"

"How about I give you Brett's violin teacher's number so you can speak with her? She might be able to teach your Eddy, otherwise I think she could recommend someone."

Brett's teacher was able to recommend someone who not only lived closer to Eddy's house but also had experience in teaching students with a vision impairment.

Little 9-year-old Brett was right, Eddy did have good ears. Eddy's perfect pitch helped him learn the violin exceptionally well and fast. On the weekends, the boys would bring along their violins on their playdates and would play for each other the pieces they were working on. Eddy was always in awe of what Brett could play while Brett was surprised how quickly Eddy progressed.

Fast forward 5 years.

Eddy turned 13 and Brett 14.

Eddy was now playing at Brett's level, which meant that Eddy had learnt everything almost twice as quickly as Brett. Brett remained fascinated and so proud of his friend's progression and Eddy was still in awe of how beautifully Brett played.

One day while they were "hanging out" together in Brett's room (they no longer called it a "playdate"), Eddy called out to Brett.

"..Brett do you remember saying we could play duets when I learnt how to play the violin?"

"When ?"

"On the first day we met."

"...so I did. You wanna?"

"Of course I do. Why do you think I've been practising so hard ?"

"Awe, that's sweet. Eddy, I'm smiling."

Eddy reached his hand out towards Brett.

"Show me."

Brett took Eddy's hand and placed it onto his cheek. Eddy gently traced the side of Brett's mouth with his thumb.

Eddy smiled back.

"So you are.... hey Brett?"


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