Chapter 2

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~10 years later~

-Evans pov-

Vanoss? Hello? EARTH TO VANOSS! I heard someone scream at me and 'wasted' popped up. "O...oh...sorry Delirious." I said trying to pay attention. "Are you okay Vanoss? You seem to be distracted." Delirious said sounding worried. "Yes, I'm fine." I replied back. "Delirious, Lui and I were trying to get your attention for 10 minutes!" Nogla said as he shot me again.

"I'm sorry! Can I tell you guys what on my mind? Just as long as you don't laugh..." I asked trying to now sound embarrassed. "Yay story time!" Lui said in his squeaker voice. "Alright wel-" I was cut off my Delirious "Someone is at my door, I'll be right back! Just go on with the story." Delirious demanded.

"Ok anyways as I was trying to say was I've been thinking about an old friend lately...well more than a friend actually. I loved him very much." I said while blushing "His name was Jonathan and we both loved each other but...he had to move" I added. "That's so cute!" Nogla and Lui said at the same time. "Did you ever get to see him?" Lui asked sounding concerned "No.... he moved to the states.....and we lost contact." I tried explaining. "Maybe one day you will see him again soon!" Lui said happily in his squeaker voice as I started to chuckle "Yeah maybe."

I heard Delirious come back so we continued to play GTA V. "What did I miss?" He asked "Eh nothing but this!" I yelled "Wha-" I ran over delirious in a blink of an eye "Oh..." He said as all four of us started laughing

~hours later~

"This was a fun day guys!" I said to everyone before getting off "Yeah it was! I'm going to start editing this tomorrow, this was just to funny!" Delirious said trying not to laugh. "Goodnight everyone" I quickly said before getting off


Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think please ^_^ I know my writing isn't the best but I hope you still enjoy it :)

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