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Aria is the dreamer who achieved her dream, and now skates on the ice till the end of her time. She's determined, sometimes sassy, and persistent.

Aria had parents before, and one time they came to a skating show in valley. That was and still is where Aria got her dream from. Aria had then began to train herself, but never seemed to be able to reach her dream. That was until season of dreams came along. Aria joined the Girl and trained with the spirit ancestors, to achieve the dream they desire. Finally reaching the dream after doing a show, Aria now skates in many of valley's other shows, inspiring other people alike. Aria was good friends with Goose, as they we're childhood friends. Goose told the group about her and when she was glad to show them her tricks, Goose asked if she wanted to join the group. Aria agreed, and joined.

Aria is best friends with Goose, and goes along well with others. Aria has no powers, but uses potions a lot.

Aria has a crush on Pepper, although, she's afraid people would judge her for loving a girl.

Age: 19

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