"Good morning. Pardon me, I need to have a word with Gilbert and Y/n please."

"I'd thank you to stay in the cloakroom." Mr. Phillips says with a disgusted expression on his face because of Sebastians presence, of course Mr. Phillips would be racist.

"Sebastian, what are you doing here? You look terrible." Gilbert says as he and I walk into the cloakroom to stand in front of Bash.

"You're not welcome here. He tried to kill me at the Christmas Pantomime." Billy says with a mad look on his face.

I walk a little bit close to Billy and say in a rather loud voice "Shut your mouth Billy Andrews before I shut it for you!"

"We do not support violence Miss Y/l/n, you can add 'I will not participate in violent acts' to your daily 50 sentences." He pauses and turns to the class before saying, "Return to your lesson."

I turn around and walk back to Sebastian and Gilbert, I see Gilbert holding in his laugh so I nudge him with my elbow and turn to Bash.

"You never told me about the Bog. Can I get my own doctor there?" Bash asks looking at Gilbert.

"Uh, just... sit down before you fall down." Gilbert tells Bash as he grabs Bash's shoulder and leads him to sit down. Bash grunts as he and Gilbert both take a seat. Gilbert gestures his hand to the seat next to me and I shake my head no.

"I didn't think you'd want to go there." Gilbert tells Bash and he lifts his hand and touches Bash's forehead. "You have a fever, Bash." Gilbert sighs.

"No doctors round here for me. That's what the man said." Bash says, he doesn't seem angry though.

"Unbelievable! Are you serious?" I say, I'm so upset that I decide to sit down across from Gilbert and Bash.

"That... is just..." Gilbert says before he pauses. "I know a doctor in Charlottetown. I'll take you to him right now."

"I want to go to the Bog." Bash says sternly.

"Bash, the Bog is just not a place for you. It's sad and unlawful and full of poverty and..." Gilbert explains before he's cut off by Bash.

"People who resemble me."

"I'm sorry. I'll take you. But first, let me bring you to a doctor that I know can help you! No time to waste." Gilbert says. He looks to me and lifts his eyebrows kind of asking me if I want to go.

"You coming?" He asks.

"But w-we're in school and I- uhh.. Sure." I say to Gilbert and he shifts uncomfortably before turning to Bash to help him. Gilbert and I are still in a awkward place since the last time we talked, we kissed and I kind of asked him what we were and he never answered and we never talked about it again. So yeah.. Akward.

[At the train station]

"So what you're really saying is CP Railways is prejudiced?" Gilbert asks. They won't let us on the train because they say Bash isn't allowed on.

"I'm saying there's no place on this train for your... guest." The man tells us before turning to the other man next to him. "Isn't that right, Isaac? On this train, we put the coloureds to work."

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