What we are

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Secret kisses, hanging out in the library, brushing of hands every time they walk past each other, smiles and winks, their secret meetings in the astronomy tower.
These are all things Pansy and Hermione has shared since they started dating.

No one could know about them, for many reasons and they both know that.
But instead of looking at in a bad way Hermione and Pansy see it as something special, something that is strictly theirs that no one else is to know about.

Though there were times when pretending got hard. Draco loved torturing the golden trio with his words, Harry most of all.

And of course he had to have his 'lost puppies' back him up. Meaning Pansy had to say something horrible to Hermione, her girlfriend. Though she swore to herself to never call her a mudblood.
Cross her heart and hope to die

But the next time they would meet at the astronomy tower, Pansy would tell her how sorry she was and apologise for the other's actions. Giving her endless kisses and affection to die for.

Hermione, who didn't need an apology would tell her it's okay and that'll they'll get through eventually and finally be together for everyone to know.

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