OK KO: POW Card Heroes! EP 1: Let's buy POW Cards

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(The scene begins with an establishing shot of Gars' Bodega. Inside, we see the three "trusted employees, Enid, Radicles, and K.O working studiously, except Enid, who is relaxing at her post at the checkout.)


(Lifting box)Uhhh, why did Gar call us on our day off to restock? It's so boring.


Rad, if you think like that, then you'll never appreciate the simple things in life, like flowers blooming in spring. (COMIC GAG: K.O has an aura of flower petals)


Thanks, K.O, but I like the action in my life to be spontaneous.

Enid(Off screen):

"Spontaneous?" Where'd you get that? "Kitten Monthly?"

(Cuts to Enid reclining in her seat with a magazine. Enid blows the magazine off her face and sits up.)


What's with the fancy words Rad? Did you finish high school or something?

(Scene cuts back to Rad and K.O.)


As a matter of fact, I have been educating myself.


Oh really? With what?


With...this!(Rad pulls out a small novel from his pocket) It's called "The Bonnet of Abigail Hartford"(Cuts to a close-up of the book's cover in old-fashioned film grain.) A series of excerpts from an orphan's farm life.

(Close-up ends)


(Laughs)Are you kidding? That book is way too girly for you!


I-it's not girly! It's perfectly manly! There are plenty of macho characters in here!


Can you read some out loud? I've always wanted to read an adult book before, but...(K.O pulls a picture book out of his pocket.) this is more my speed. (Cuts to a close up of K.O's picture book which has a picture of a caterpillar on the cover and reads: "Rusty and the Magic Chrysalis.")




Come on, macho man, let's hear some. It'll make the shift go faster.




Read it! Read it!

Rad: Okay, but only one chapter!

(Rad pulls out a pair of reading glasses and puts them on. The moment that Rad opens his mouth, a loud crash erupts

K.O/Enid: What was that?!

(COMIC GAG: The two dash out so fast, it leaves a cloud silhouette of each of them.)


Hey, what happened to Abigail?


Abigail can wait!

(The trio exit Gars, but stop immediately.)


What the...

(The scene changes to Darrell skidding back in a blocking position.)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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