Candy Overload

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Lilly started to get to know my friends more than ever. We told her our full names, special talents, ages, and most secret secrets. My extremely tall friend Kyleigh is 5'6 and Lilly is only 5'5, Chanel is 5'2, and I the shortest one, is 4'7. Lilly gasped with utter shock, "Are you 15 or are you on steroids?!" Kyleigh wheezed, " I'm not 15 nor on steroids. I'm only 12." "What the Shumerr?!"Lilly raised an eyebrow as if she were confused. "Some people are just very tall in life," Kyleigh had a smirk on her face and looked at me, " And some people are just very short." She smiled. I smiled back."Shut up." I yelled with happiness. Once we found an exit at the airport, we took a limo to a gas station. Once we were there, we stocked up on candy, soda, cookies, brownies, and especially donuts. They weren't Krispy Kreme donuts, but they were still delicious. We literally went bongos in that tiny gas station. I drank so much soda that I had to go to the bathroom 7 times. Chanel on the other hand, had a bunch of ring pops and sour gummy worms as well as root beer and Mountain Dew. She ended up throwing up 2 times. "Woah guys, calm down a little, I mean A LOT!"Lilly was in shock about how much we could devour in 2 minutes. "Alright. Don't listen to me," she continued to talk," I guess you guys want to be sick forever." "Yea, I'm good with being sick." I sarcastically said. "Same here" Kyleigh yawned. "OOOH Me too!" Chanel exclaimed. "Whatever" Lilly looked at us like we were some crazy hobos on drugs. "Ok" Chanel replied then started to eat again. "Let's get out of here and get some real food like normal people would instead of uncontrollably eating sugar like little kids." Lilly moaned. I struck my hands up in the air and slapped them on my thighs. "Like YOU little Ms.Perfect, didn't eat any candy or drink any sodas and munch on chips." I said with crossed eyes and a smirk on my face. "Lets just go check in at a hotel. I can't stand you guys anymore." Lilly replied. Everyone except for Lilly broke out sarcastic laugh. We searched and searched and searched until we finally found the perfect place to rest. "This, is,sweeeeet!" I jumped up and down like a little 5 year old. "Let's go in the pool." "Ok" Chanel said excitedly. "Wow, this pool is ginormous! Where have I been my whole life?!" Kyleigh pleaded. The pool had a gigantic 13 foot diving board, for KIDS. I couldn't believe that a 13 foot diving board could be for kids! Lilly leaned in a little closer to take a look at the pool because it was just so clear, it was a dream. "Shhh!" Kyleigh had a plan. Lilly heard everything. "What are you guys doing to me?! Just a second later Kyleigh kicked her butt into the pool. "Oh and what am I doing, just kicking some ass." "Dude Lilly can't swim, go get her." Kyleighs attitude started acting up," No no no no no, I ain't getting my signed Captain America shirt all nasty and wet. Do you know how much work and drama I went through to get this signed by the one and only Chris Evans?!" Surprisingly, Lilly swam to the top of the pool and gurgled out some water. "What the F is wrong with you Kyleigh?! You are so lucky that I learned how to swim using that pamphlet on the airplane."

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