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Everything was black, but the boy's wings, his wings were a startling unearthly white. The sky looked as if someone had spilled charcoal ink, the world leaking. He fought hard this boy to stay afloat. But it was futile. It was as if someone had cut the strings off a marionette, and the boy tumbled to the ground, hurling towards the green and blue planet like a shooting star. Someone falling from the sky should be screaming- throat raw from fear, crying, purely terrified. But the boy simply looked disappointed, his eyebrows drawn into defeat. Someone falling from the sky should be scraped and bruised from the impact of his body crashing into the trees. But the boy's body remained untouched. Someone falling from the sky should crash to the floor, bones broken from the impact. But the boy elegantly touched the ground, body slumping gracefully in a sleeping position. The boy gently opened his eyes, gazing at the black sky, stars gleaming dully, the moon glistening down at him. And for the first time, he screamed a scream that came from the depth of his soul, a scream so agonizing he writhed his body in desperation, fingers clawing to the sky, tears dripping from his eyes. The boy's anguish diminished to anger. He huddled his body into a fetal position, his arms covered in goosebumps from the nightair. He gently wheezed as he cautiously and frightfully reached for his back. It was bare. The boy pressed his forehead to the dirt and bellowed, sending a fury of pebbles flying across the ground. 

The boy's wings were gone.

FALLENUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum