Chapter Three

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You know that coded boy language? I was popular in church. I knew girls were tripping for me so it boosted my morale and I became a snub at church. Like I barely even got into deep conversations with anyone. The one person who was lucky to get my attention was Tito. He called me his bestfriend but I didn't take it that way. He was just a close friend of mine from church and I just took advantage of it because he was a Commissioner's son. Basically, everybody knew me through him and my Instagram page grew because of him. Still I did not want to accept it. I just didn't want to hype the dude.

I got down the front seat and slowly shut the door. Church session had already begun and I could see kids walking around. It was their day anyways, children's harvest so they were getting prepared for their activities. They were so many kids in my church but thank God they were separated from us. With all those noise they made? I hated it so much. I was glad I was in the teenager's section because I could flow with them. Basically, the youths and teenagers were beginning to mix up, some lied about their ages but only got caught once we asked their parents or older siblings. I would be among the youths in January. I couldn't wait because somehow, teenagers section was becoming boring for me.

A girl waved at me as I stepped into the big church. I could remember her, my ex's best friend, Ezinne. I forced a smile and kept walking. Our church was filled to the brim. You had to force yourself to find a goodspace.

If only I was not a painist then I would have found my way upstairs because the ground floor looked too full, you could barely spot an empty seat.
I went to the instruments' area and took a seat beside Tito. He was even chatting.

"Wassup!" He shook hands with me immediately he noticed my presence.
"I'm good," I replied. I did not even know why children were not selected to handle the instruments today. It was their day right? I got that they were amateurs so I pushed the thought aside.

"You are almost late," he said.

"My mum and sisters are the cause," I explained.
"Omo I don wait tire sef. They are just about to start the harvest."

"I wonder what they are harvesting," I muttered.


We walked into the church. It was not exactly quiet anyways. I did not want all eyes to be on us. Thankfully, an usher came to us and gave us a seat at the front. Mum waved at a woman, I guess she was the woman who invited us. I sat on my seat and continued looking at the stage where some kids were standing.
Through out the whole time they kept reciting their Bible recitations, I was on my phone going through my snapchat. I had added some people so I could see some of their snaps. I loved watching pictures a lot.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, my name is Eudora Ugonnia Ugochukwu. I'm here to recite my memory verse. It is taken from the book of Psalm 119 verses 1 to 64 and it says..."

Say whatttt?

64 verses? That is way too much. Like I wouldn't do something like that because my brain would fail. I was a D student anyways. I was not bright at all.
I listened attentively as she recited it. She had a nice voice and she was bold. She walked about as she recited. She never stopped to think too much, just stopping to catch her breath. She was perfect in her recitation.

By the time she had gotten to the fiftieth verse, the whole church was clapping and shouting, and hailing. Some people even sprayed money on her. I joined in the clapping and I smiled. I was impressed by that. It just made me enjoy the day.

I enjoyed everything that Eudora participated in. She debated, acted drama and gave some true facts about Christianity. Such a smart young girl. I wished I was smart too but sadly. I was not.


The church ended by one in the afternoon. Foods and snacks were shared in church and children were walking about.
Mum turned to me and gave me her car keys.

"Will you wait for me in the car?" she asked.
"Why? We are supposed to just go home Mum, I'm tired," I said.
"Please dear. I just want to sign up for the Christian Women Association. I need to participate in church dear. I will ask Mrs Ugochukwu if she can help me find someone who will help you sign into the teenager's church," she replied.

"Mum no. I don't want to."
"You have to," she stated clearly. "Hold on."

After a while, a girl came to me. She had her hat and sunglasses on, matching with her long blue gown. She looked stunning, no doubt.
"So Mrs Ugochukwu asked me to sign you up in the teen section. Come with me," she said. My eyes searched for Nessa but I didn't see her. I quietly followed the girl to the other church and then upstairs. It was big and wide. Some teenagers were in there talking, some were eating their rice while some just sat there going through their phones.

We walked over to where a woman on glasses sat.
"Good afternoon Mrs Fejiro," the girl greeted. I greeted.

"Tekevwe, I was looking for you so you would help me take down the names of the new teenagers signing up today," she said to the girl.

"Oh okay ma. But this is one girl, her name is Ubah Jade Oluchi," the girl spoke on my behalf.

"Wow! You are welcome dear," Mrs Fejiro said. "Welcome to House On The Rock, I am the president of the Teen HR fellowship. You are welcome to our church. Can you please sign here?"

I took the pen from her and bent down to sign. After signing, I stood up straight.
"Tekky, please help me call Faith. Tell her to bring my Bible please," Mrs Fejiro told the girl beside me.
"Yes ma." She left.

I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Welcome Jade. This is for you," she said and handed me a white and pink designed bag. "It is a welcome gift from the teenagers. We can't wait for you to settle with us next Sunday. Have a nice day."

I said a low thank you and walked out with the bag. Just when I was still walking out and with some of them looking at me, a boy was coming towards my direction with a hoverboard but he was not facing me. He was coming towards me through his back.

"Jerry watch out!" Someone said. He turned immediately and dodged me, saying a quick sorry before continuing his thing.

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