Pleading for forgiveness

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-A/N- I'm not very proud of this chapter, I'll explain later. Also, this chapter might contain mistakes and might sound wonky (even after it's been heavily edited). I just wanted to apologize before you proceed-

Normal POV~

"I say we did a pretty good job collecting these fruits and veggies. It's a miracle most of them didn't get destroyed by rocks or fumes," Heba said as he plopped down against the fence. Yugi nodded in agreement

"Mhmm," Yugi smiled and crossed his legs, "There wasn't much cauliflower though..."

"Fine with me, I don't really like cauliflower. It looks like solid white broccoli," Heba felt proud when his friend laughed at his euphemism for cauliflower.

"Yeah, me too..." Yugi began to twiddle some grass in-between his fingers.

"So, what now? Do we just wait for our brothers to bring their share of food?" Heba asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"I suppose so. The sun's already starting to set... I hope they turn up soon..." The prince answered worriedly while he anxiously started to rip the grass out. Had they been back in Domino, when everything was normal, he would've just assumed for Yami to be in his room or running the streets of Domino with a guard following close by. But, since he knew this was a war, with dangerous traps and people that desired to hurt him, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Yugi, are you all right? You're twitching." Yugi looked down at himself, noticing that he was, in fact, trembling.

"S-Sorry, it's just a nervous habit of mine. I'll be fine," The pale boy explained with an attempted smile, though it failed miserably. Heba was immediately concerned by his friend's behavior, yet he wasn't exactly sure what to do to comfort the boy. Then, he remembered all the previous nights he shared with Yugi.

"Would a hug make it better?" He offered with a smile.

"A hug?"

"Yeah, like the ones you give me after a nightmare to calm down. You called them warm hugs." Heba gently wrapped his arms around Yugi and pulled him into a hug, his hand lifting to caress the pale boy's back soothingly. Yugi gasped at the tender feeling. It felt so nice to be the one receiving the hug than to be the one giving it. Sure, he shared some with Yami and his parents, yet Heba's hug was different. It felt safer and relaxing. The feelings confused him to no end.

Heba smiled happily as he felt Yugi incline into him more, his body's trembles starting to cease.

"There we go!" Heba pulled away with a grin, "All better?" Yugi smiled back happily and nodded.

"Yes, thank you."

"Of course-"Heba was interrupted by a large black portal unexpectedly appearing in front of them, making the duo startle away from it in pure shock. Just then, two figures emerged from it.

Yami and Atem.

"You guys are back!" Yugi exclaimed out of breath.

"Next time, give us a heads up that you'll use that! My heart almost jumped out of my chest!" Heba whined with a small glare.

"Sorry, guys. I'm still getting used to doing things all of a sudden," Atem nervously chuckled then turned serious.

 "Enough of chatting. We must head to the Domino kingdom right now to end this war." Heba blinked confusedly, finally noticing the crown.

"Is that the Pharaoh's-"

"Yes, I'll explain later. All that matters right now is getting to Domino!"

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