Kuhu : Who was that woman?

Mishti laughed.

Mishti : That was our beloved mother, ecstatic that she can finally plan a wedding. After all, Both Naksh and I haven't been obliging so far.

Kuhu : How long do you think she's going to be like that?

Mishti (shrugging) : Your bidaai?

Kuhu : And how soon do you think that can take place?

Mishti (chuckling) : Two months? Maybe three.

Kuhu groaned and bent, touching her hands to her head.

Kuhu : I can't handle that.

Kuhu groaned in anguish as Mishti dissolved into laughter.

This was going to be an extraordinarily entertaining time.


This was going to be the most painful time of her life.

Mishti stood at the corner of the sitting room, where, after dinner, the entire family had resumed showering Kuhu and her fiance with well-wishes. Dozens of candles cast a lovely soft glow over the room's inhabitants, transforming the space into an intimate scene. Ordinarily, Mishti adored events that could fit into the sitting room, for they were typically cozy, happy occasions that made for warm memories.

Not tonight, however. Tonight, Mishti was ruing the moment that afternoon when she had suggested a small, intimate dinner. Tonight, everyone, even the family portraits seemed to be mocking her.

She swallowed a sigh and forced a smile as her aunt Sheela approached her, beaming. Mishti knew exactly what was coming...knew, too, that it was unavoidable.

Mishti : Sheela maasi! What's the matter?

Sheela : Kuch nahi beta. Just saw you standing here and thought of talking to you.

Mishti smiled and nodded. They looked at the happy couple for a while before Sheela maasi turned towards Mishti once again.

Sheela : I'm so happy Kuhu is getting married. My sister had been so worried that none of her children would fulfill her wish. After all, Once Naman Jijaji left us, What else could your mother live for other than making sure her children are well settled. You and Naksh certainly never cared about her.

Mishti forced a laugh that came out a little too loud as she cast a desperate eye around the room in search of someone, anyone, to save her from a seemingly endless string of rude and impertinent family members.

In the three hours since the guests had arrived for dinner, Mishti had had some variation of this conversation with twelve different people. Dinner had been particularly difficult, considering she'd been sandwiched between Kunal's opinionated grandmother and a particularly callous cousin, both of whom seemed to believe that Mishti's unmarried state was well within the bounds of proper conversation.

She was beginning to believe that there was not a single person in either the Mishra or Singhania families with even a modicum of tact. Did they really believe that she would take no offense to being consistently reminded that she was a spinster? It was really too much.

Seeing no salvation in her future, she settled for waving down a footman with a tray of sherry. Sheela Maasi gasped.

Sheela : Mishti! If you drink like that in front of everyone, People will think you're accustomed to it.

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