Drunk Akaashi- fluff

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I got to lazy to edit so sorry for grammar mistakes

When Akaashi is drunk he's like a completely different person. Usually he's so calm and collected but when he's drunk he gets really clingy and very sensitive.

Most of the time he doesn't usually get wasted but he's been really stressed about work so he wanted to forget about it tonight.

The means it's left to Bokuto to take care of Akaashi for once, and he really didn't mind.

Even so he didn't expect Akaashi to be like this. He was supper clingy and following him all over. Bokuto didn't necessarily mind it, he thought it was kinda cute if he was being honest.

When Bokuto have left to get a cup of water at the bar he encountered a lady with long blond hair as the bartender.

"What can I get for you~" the lady asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Oh I'd just like a glass of water please." Bokuto replied, oblivious to the girl's intentions.

"Really? Are you sure that's all?" She asked coming closer to Bokuto's face.

"Yes that's all please."

"Aw comon." The lady said before seeing two hands wrap around Bokuto's waist.

"Leave him alone ladyyy he's minee." Akaashi said while slurring his worlds quite a bit.

"Ugh, and who are you?" She asked her tone completely changing.

"I so happen to be this man's boyfriennn so leave him a*hic*lone." Akaashi said looking right at the girl leaning over the counter a bit.

"Comon babe she wasn't doing
anything-" Bokuto started but was cut off.

"Oh no I was." She said sternly not caring what Akaashi thought.

"Well you ca-n't have him because he loves m-e not youuu." Akaashi paused to look at Bokuto,
"You love me right Kou?" Akaashi asked looking up at Bokuto with puppy-dog eyes.

"Of course Keiji, you and only you I promise." Bokuto said kissing Akaashi on the head.

"Yeah right. You don't have to lie to him." The blond lady said rolling her eyes.

"Noo." Akaashi whined as he pushed Bokuto away from the bar.

"Akaashi baby what are you doing?" Bokuto asked with a small smile on his face.

"She's too pretty you'll fall in love with her and leave me." Akaashi said with his face buried in Bokuto's chest.

"Aw baby I'm not gonna leave you."

"That's what they all say." Akaashi huffed.

Bokuto tried to hold on a laugh but he just couldn't. So he started laughing at how cute Akaashi was being but it seems Akaashi took it the wrong way.

Akaashi looked up at his boyfriend and saw him laughing . He got pretty angry thinking Bokuto was laughing at him.

When Bokuto calmed down a bit and saw Akaashi's face he just started laughing even more. He couldn't help it he was way to cute.

Akaashi started walking off ignoring his boyfriend.

"Keiji. Wait I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh." Bokuto said still smiling and chuckling a little.

That's when Akaashi tripped not being able to hold himself upright. Right when he thought he was gonna come into hard impact with the ground someone caught him. He looked up and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Careful there, don't want you getting here now do we." He heard the person talk.

"Uh... right." Akaashi said starring.

"I'm Riyu by the way." The man said holding out his hand to Akaashi.

"Uh, Akaashi. Akaashi Keiji." Akaashi said shaking the man's hand.

"Oh, um, and you are?" Riyu asked Bokuto who was standing behind Akaashi with his facial expression completely changed.

"Bokuto Koutarou. This guy's boyfriend." Bokuto said acting uninterested but you could see he was keeping a close eye on Riyu.

"Sorry but we should get going now. Akaashi comon." Bokuto said nudging Akaashi a bit. But Akaashi didn't move instead he huffed while looking away from him.

Riyu laughed at this but quickly shut his mouth when he say Bokuto starring at him.

"Hmph. No you're being mean." Akaashi said like a child.

'Ugh do this is what Akaashi had to go through every time we go drinking huh.' Bokuto thought.

"Keiji come one we need to get you home."

"No if you're just gonna laugh at me some more I don't wanna go."

"Come on Keijiiiii let's go I'm tired."

"You can go without me then." Akaashi said not looking at Bokuto.

"What no way. I'm not leaving you here by yourself."

"I think I should probably go I don't want to get in the way of your argument. Maybe we can hand some say though Akaashi. Here's my number." Riyu said handing Akaashi a slip of paper.

He walked off but before Akaashi cold even look at the paper in his hand it was being taken away.

Akaashi looked back to Bokuto who had a very angry looking expression which was quite unusual for the owl looking man.

"You will not be texting this man." Bokuto said sternly.

Akaashi wasn't actually ever planning one texted Riyu but he thought this would be good payback for earlier at the bar.

"Aw~ and why not." Akaashi said getting close to Bokuto's face making kissy faces at him.

Bokuto looked the other way acting childish once again.

"Come one Kou I wasn't going to actually talk to him. Please forgive me?" Akaashi said snaking his arms around his boyfriend giving him tender little kisses on his lips.

"Fine. But we have to get home and you owe me cuddles." Bokuto said leaning into the kisses Akaashi gave him.

"Ok Kou I promise." He kissed him one last time before they got into the car while Bokuto drove them to their shared apartment, where they spend the rest of the night cuddling.

Word count: 952

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