Moving Away

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It was a hot August day. The sun beat down on Alison's face as she loaded her bags into the car. Alison and her brother Henry grunted as they hoisted the last of their bags into the car. The hatchback was packed full of boxes and suitcases. In just a matter of hours, Alison and her brother would be in California, moving into their new 2 bedroom house, which had been inherited from their uncle Gus who recently passed away. 

Alison'S Perspective 

I clicked my seatbelt and looked over at Henry. He was silent but I knew his mind was racing. I opened my mouth to comment "Well, we are not gonna be escaping the heat anytime soon, we are just leaving Texas to go to California." I chuckled lightly. Henry frowned. "You don't have to pretend this is easy for you Alison, I know you've really struggled without mom here." I turned to hide my emotions but he was right, ever since our mom Marla had died in the big car wreck, it had been very hard for both of us. Mom and I were super close, especially since my dad walked out on all  of us when I was 9. Now i'm 15 and about to start 9th grade. Henry had just turned 20. He was in his 3rd year of college training to be a combat medic. Because our mom had been a army medic, he wanted to be like her. I drifted away from my thoughts and turned back to Henry. "I'm hoping moving away will help some. Give us a new start. I think mom would be proud." Henry broke into a soft smile. "I hope so too. I really want to finish school but I have to be able to feed us. So I've picked up a part-time job as a lawn care guy." He grinned. "I wanted to wait to tell you until today, now you know will be all set!" I leaned over to attempt to hug my brother. "That's really good Henry." But I felt a pang of guilt in myself. "You know I can work too." Henry shook his head. "I want you to focus on school Alison, if you make good grades in high school you might get a scholarship, then we won't have to scrimp and save to send you to some crappy college." I nodded but inside I wanted to tell Henry I was just as capable as him. But there was no use arguing with my brother, especially now that he was responsible for me. I leaned back in my seat and shut my eyes. Henry started the car. "California here we come!!" 


What felt like minutes later but was actually several hours I opened my eyes.  Henry turned to me. "We're here Alison wakey wakey sleepyhead! Come help me with the bags." It was dark outside our new home. I looked at my watch: 3:30 am. "As soon as we get inside I'm going back to bed." Henry shrugged at me. "Suit yourself, I'm starving!" As we walked into the house he put the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Not missing a beat, he began to dig through them. I yawned as I took my bag to my new bedroom and collapsed on the bed, passing out. I dreamt of eating a huge pizza. (That's what I get for going to bed without dinner!) 


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