
"Please, don't speak to me. Today of all days, don't say a word."

With that the girl quickly walked into the dining room to see even more people she said in the politest voice she could muster, "Pleases leave the room."

When nobody moved she said a little louder, "Now."

They all scattered away as Regulus entered.

She turned with a glare, "What are you playing at Reg. Why is he here. Why is that man, who destroyed my mother, in my house?"

"Dumbledore- "

"That god awful man doesn't choose who comes and goes."

"We have to fight against the Dark Lord and he is our best shot. We had to reform the Order and this is the safest house."

"It is safe -for me. So I don't kill somebody. I am in house of people who... who hurt me. And I am expected not to take the air out of their lungs." She whisper shouted the last part.

"You know how to stay in control, do this for me. Please."

She took a deep breath and remembered who she was. She nodded her head and a woman shouted dinner from the kitchen. Suddenly the door burst open as a gaggle of redheads stormed in, followed by the Potters and Lupin-Blacks.

She gave her uncle a look and sat beside him and as far away from everybody else.

They all talked. Loudness wasn't something that El was used to, she had grown up in a quiet home with quiet people. Now people yelled in conversations opposed to the quiet voices she had grown to love.

"Do you know some weird girl came into our room. Told us to get out and all." The rude redhead said in a loud voice. Suddenly all eyes were on her and she didn't like it. She turned to Regulus, who was clearly upset with the boys words.

"That's because you aren't allowed in there. I told you, nobody's allowed on the third floor." He said in a calm voice. The red headed family however didn't get the hint.

"The second floor is dusty though,"

"He said no, listen." El said a quiet yet clear voice.

"Regulus,you can't expect them to live in dust."

"I didn't expect you to live in this house at all James, so no you won't be invading my niece's personal space or disrespecting who does or doesn't live in her dead mother's room." Reg said in an angry voice as the conversation closed.

El looked at him in gratefulness as she leaned into his side. Wrapping an arm around her they both carried on eating in their usual silence.

It didn't last long.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask any questions Harry." Sirius said.

"I did but nobody is telling me anything."

"Sirius." A redhead woman said in warning.

"Yes Molly."

"Remember what Dumbledore said about only saying what needs to be said."

"He has a right to know."

"It's not your decision."

"He's not a child Molly."

"He's not an adult either, he isn't James."

"I'm fully aware of who he is, thanks."

"I only have Harry's best interests at heart."

"He isn't your son."

"Harry isn't your child either. Not that you'd be much good at it."

"What's that meant to mean."

"You left your daughter alone with a death eater to raise her."

That was when El had enough. The only subject that would get her angry was bad mouthing her uncle.

"I suggest you stop talking about things you don't know anything about. And don't act better then him when you are clearly prejudiced and judging decisions made by other people over a decade ago." She said hotly staring the woman in the eye.

"You don't need to defend him deary, maybe now you can live with your dad and step-dad and get to know him." She said smiling.

El wasn't smiling.

"Why would I want to get to know them."

"He is your family."

"My family is Uncle Reg."

"Your real family."

Clearly not taking anymore the girl stormed out leaving an angry Regulus.

"Molly you had no right. Sirius slept with a Remus when he was with Helena and they both found him. He left and didn't turn back not even when Ellie was seven years old and found her mother dying on the bathroom floor after she slit her wrists."

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