BAIRRFHION: With of the life in this world

VALECHANKOR: (gazing into his eyes) I love you

BAIRRFHION: (breathes) because you are more than the stars spread across the universe

(VALECHKANOR and BAIRRFHION now slowly embrace in a kiss)


(after they break away VALECHKANOR stands there completely still her eyes racing across the stage)

BAIRRFHION: (his smile fades as he looks at her face) V?

VALECHKANOR: (she begins to slowly cry, her eyes staring at BAIRRFHION) I-I


OAKLON: (JESLAPHINE, TERESLIN, and OAKLAND form a half-circle around them) There's no turning back

VALECHKANOR: (a mess, shaking her head as tears slip down her face) I-I don't understand, how can this be true? How could I cause such pain, sorrow, despair, loneliness, and chaos, and how could you go along with me? Why did you all decide- why didn't you just let me pay the price, Jeslaphine was right, I don't deserve what you did!

BAIRRFHION: It's ok, remember-

VALECHKANOR: No! NO! No, it's not ok! Not after what I did! How I hurt all of you, how can you even look at me!? I did what can not be forgiven, and here all of you are, it doesn't make sense, any, my own kin, oh my goodness, I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am, how can you love me? How did you not punish me?! How can any of you stand here near me, take care of me. I understand the lies, and the protectiveness, and treating me like a child. You all were keeping unbearable secrets of your own, from me, and I am the pain, the cause of this destruction, and my own waking sorrow. I just don't understand all of you, you're here protecting me, even after Yevesmeralda, she was my sister! She was our triplet Jeslaphine! Can't you all see!? Aren't you all afraid!? Aren't all of you haunted by what happened!!?

BAIRRFHION: V, please, it's ok--

VALECHKANOR- No, no, no, no-- Bu-but all of it, it was cruel, it was terrible, I am a vile person! Dreadful! After all that I did! World domination, who does that! Who pains all these people and puts them through so many tribulations!? What I did to my sisters! To every single one of you! And you all just erased my memories and acted like nothing happened!!!?

BAIRRFHION: V, hear us all out, we are all aware of what you did, what I've done, but I love you, and we are all family, blood or not, no matter what someone does, no one is truly born evil, never do they last, they are simply mistakes that fill this world and find a host, someone to cause this destruction, and merely someone to help them, we can all take the blame, the world can take the blame! We all threw blame around another, blame doesn't help anyone!! Every single one of us makes mistakes, some are way worse than others, and some of us go along with them because we love them, we do anything, and some just don't know. Even if someone does something bad we're not going to suffer anymore, we are going to put the pieces back together, we are going to fix what has been broken, like you my dear bird your wings have fallen down deep into the rabbit hole, and it is us who retrieved who put them back together, who put you back together, we made you good as new, new, again I say new before all the mistakes, before the pain, before the fall, we made you, old you, like the way you once were, never to fall again, but you were, and when it happened none of us could stop it, for you can't stop destiny, you can look it right in the eyes, but it can't be stopped or changed. Fate can be changed but not destiny, and so I say to thy, starfall shall be your destiny from when you were, like all of us here, to be met by our destinies, but not by fate, for your path your fate every day, you shape it, for fate is a decision, even if it doesn't change your destiny. You can change your fate V, you really can, your destiny can't be stopped, but fate is unlike the other, it was your destiny for this happen, and mine to help you, to be with you, for it was Tereslin Umbra whose destiny is not to be seen, to be faded like a shadow, Jeslaphine Treatfail your sister for it was her destiny to be your kin and to not be able to save you, but not only you but be able to help others with their pain, cure them, feel their pain. But fail to heal herself of her own waking agony, Oaklon Sagacious for it was his destiny to be well that, to know everything no matter how long he's been here, to be wise, to have the knowledge of all and to guide the way of life, the keepers of destiny, to guide it all along, to keep them secret, and I Barirrfhion Akvoj for it was my destiny to be who I am to be calm and free, and constantly changing, like he said before it all went down, calm and chaotic remember? Because I change sights quicker then a snap and cause complete chaos, to lead to this world domination if call it that, this evil plan with you my V, Valechkanor Starfall, for your destiny ever since you were born was to make the stars fall, and you did that and brought along everyone's destiny, and you also made yourself fall, my star, you fell, but you're not falling any longer.

(VALECHKANOR falls to sit down on the floor)

VALECHKANOR: (still crying scream/just lets out every emotion in pain, in full-on agony)

(lights fade out)

The End 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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