To Asriel's laboratory

Start from the beginning

"So you actually tricked Iofur into thinking you were Iorek's daemon?" I questioned. "And that he had to fight Iorek in order to claim you?" 

Lyra held a smug as she twisted her head around. 

"Seems you were right. A part of you is bear," I smiled proudly. 

"I never thought I'd see the day when a girl like you, a smug one, could trick a bear," Iorek joked. 

"I am not smug!" she snapped. 

"Yes you are," Roger answered back, twisting his head at bit, holding up a smug himself. 

"Says the boy who's holding up a smug now," I joked pointing a finger at him. 

We all just bursted into peals of laughter. This was such an adventure that I would be writing in my journal once we were someplace warm. As the sun was setting, I looked far out into the sky, thinking about dad. 

Don't worry dad. We'll find you. And Iera. Once this is over. 

(Lee Scoresby P.O.V) 

The only thing echoing in my ears were the screams of my daughter and Lyra and Roger. I jolted up, gasping for breath. What had seemed like an nightmare was actually really. I took a moment to stare around. I found myself inside my damaged balloon and I was resting against Iera's soft fur. 

"You alright?" her voice made me jump. Hester jumped onto my lap to sooth my nerves. 

"You're lucky I had you in my paws as we crashed," she said. 

"Where are we?" I scampered out of the balloon and found out myself in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by some high peaks and snow. Iera stepped out with Hester. 

"The wind carried us quite a far distance from Svalbard," she said sadly. "We must make haste to find the others," 

"And how are we going to get to them?" I stomped towards my poor baby. "Without our only means of travel?! And how can you possibly know if they're alive?!" I kicked the balloon and sank on my knees. "It's over Iera. I failed them! And I've lost (Y/N)...again,"

Iera's slow steps approached me from behind. I felt her nose nuzzle my shoulder...but I couldn't respond. 

"Perhaps I can be of assistance," a new voice spoke. I turned around and saw Serafina Pekala. I stood up and walked to her. 

"My sister's managed to track your movements," she stepped forward. "Thank goodness you three are safe,"

"Thanks," Hester said. 

"You are still important to us Mr. Scoresby," she said. 

"But I failed you," I felt like I was going to cry. "And them. I lost (Y/N) and Lyra,"

"You have no failed me. Or them. You fought valiantly Lee. Their fate lies in another hands," 

My heart began to sort again. 

"They are alive?" Iera stole the question right from my lips. 

"Yes. And Iorek Bynison, with Lyra's help, has reclaimed his throne,"

Iera roared, cheering for her beloved's victory whilst I screamed out "Whoo hoo!" Once again Lyra had done another great act. 

"Here. I believe this is yours," Serafina held up my revolver. It had fallen out of the ballon last night. I took it. "The fights are just beginning,"

"So I'm still needed?"

"We are all needed. A Great War is coming and the journey that your daughter and Lyra will take together is just beginning too," 

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