I cocked a brow at the pirate, Desiree. She stood up out of her defensive stance and sheathed her sword. "None. Captain."

I stood as well, twirling my knives back into their places. Uma walked past me into the ship's rotting cabin. "Good." I followed her through the door, giving Desiree and insane smile as I did. She was right to be cautious. I'm unknown territory, even if I'm the best thing to ever happen to this crew. Uma picked good people. And who was I ever ot doubt?

-time skip-

It was nearing midday by the time I got off the boat. Uma had a crew to run, Gil was busy with manual labor, and I needed to practice my swordsmanship. Thus begins my search for Harry. 

I stepped in a murky puddle, water sloshing over my boots. I paused and turned back to look at it. Light reflected slightly off the top. My knee lifted slightly, and my toes came to rest in the water. How long has it been since I have seen this? RIpples. Simple things. Beauty in the ordinary. That I had been deprived of. I slowly splashed the water. 


I stood up straight and peered around the alleyway. The noise had been light, so probably from further away, but it still wasn't goods to be caught staring at a puddle in the middle of nowhere. Stupid Auradon. I shook my head in distaste. A garbage bin wasn't far off, so I ran to it and hopped on, nearly silent. I pulled myself onto a poorly built tin roof and glanced over the other side. A flash of red greeted me, followed by another crack as a sword struck the brick wall. 

I smiled. Oh, old friend, how I missed you. I grabbed a pebble off the roof and jumped onto a pile of crates. His sword hit the wall with another crack. I could see now that it was covered in slashes, like this happened a lot. What went wrong with you? Are you as broken as me? What happened to you when I was gone?

Did you miss me?

I fingered the pebble in my hand as I watched him attack the wall. Two and a half years. Would he even remember me? I took a deep breath and threw the stone at his head. 

The black-haired boy whipped around with a growl, sword in hand. "Who tha fuck did-"

His eyes settled on me.

I dropped my arm down to my side and smiled softly. "Hey, Hook."

He took a stumbling step forward. "Jackie?"

I laughed nervously and sat down on the pile of crates I was currently crouched on. "Posiden, ya pirates are dim. Yes, its-"

I was cut short when the crates were knocked out from under me and I was enveloped in strong arms. My hands grabbed his back before I knew what I was doing and clasped tightly, my face shoved into his shoulder. His own was buried in my hair. I started crying, suppressed emotions I forgot I had running high. I missed you. I love you. I can't believe you were really gone. How did I make it so far without you? 

Against my better judgment, I inhaled deeply, getting the sea, cypress, dirt and sweat. Somehow perfect for him. After a lengthy moment of hugging him, I pulled my face out and examined his face. Eyes- the same eyes he had always had, blue as the bay at dawn, but more now. Containing hope and loss and wrath, whereas it had once been only a mischievous young boy looking for his next scrap. And the rest of him- good lord, you could sharpen knives on those cheekbones, not to mention gorgeous eyelashes.

My eyes finished roaming his face to meet his own. His hands moved to my hips. A hesitant smile slowly spread over his face. "Are ya real? Are ya really here?"

I shook my head. "Don't ask me that love, I don't know."

He buried his face in my hair again and everything felt right in the world for half a minute. "God, Jackie, I missed you." 

I pushed my head further into his shoulder. "I missed you too, Hook." More than you will ever know.

He pulled away from me a little bit again. "How did ya- how did ya get here?"

I stopped. How did I get off? It was fuzzy. They had sent me back after dad- well, after the issue. But then something had exploded. Actually, that's not the right word. It wasn't an explosion, it was like- static electricity. Where had that come from? It wasn't a power generator or anything- maybe a gun? But why would it be shot off? So how.....

Actually, the man in the truck said something. My talents, I think? They contained my violent tendencies for long enough, what could that have meant?

Did the blast- did it come from me?

But that's not possible. I have no magic blood, and the prison was probably warded against stuff like that. But what other explanation is there? I shook my head. I would think about that later. "I have no idea. I don't know what's goin' on, truthfully."

"Thank the gods." His accent sounded so much better now than it did when we were kids.


He smiled softly. "I thought I was the only one lost." 

"Not anymore, love."

His hand stroked down my cheek. "My darling. I missed you so much."

And damn me to hell, but even with tears dried down my cheeks, I was shivering at the word 'my.'

I shook my head. "I don't know how ta say it, but-" I paused.

A gleaming silver hook- his father's, I realised- pulled my chin up until my eyes were on his. "But what, love?" 

I looked at him. "I think I'm a tad bit crazy now."

He studied me for a moment like some sort of wild animal. 

Then he grinned. "So am I."

Only took me 14 chapters for them to reunite. Also, shoutout to makalad23  for catching a hamilton reference! 

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