Chapter Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

Paul shrugged. "We won't know unless we text her or check up on her,"

Caitlyn took a step back as the world started to turn. She leaned on the wall and looked at everyone around her. "Guys... What if we're next?"

"Of course we're next!" Jason freaked out. "And if they could get a powerful being, what still about the rest of us?"

"Jason!" Paul rubbed his temples because he was thinking it the exact way Jason was. Kin is powerful, she's a hybrid, but she was taken just like that. "We... We will be fine," he said. Trying to convince himself. "We have to be,"

Laura looked into Paul's hazel eyes and shook her head lightly and bite her lower lip. "Let's not be too optimistic. It's Kin, and she's a royal. We're honestly doomed,"

Throughout the day we've been sending messages to Lemon and Vincent. Vincent responded he was fine. He has no idea where Kin is. Lemon still hasn't replied, so we decided to go to her home after school.

I looked at Lemon's house as my friends got out so long. I did the same and we walked up to the gate where Laura pressed the intercom and spoke with Lemon who buzzed us in.

She lived in a white double-storey home with a big yard, even though the house itself wasn't exactly as big. The doors were black which went well with the white house. Lemon opened the door in her PJs still, her green hair messy. She covered her mouth to trap her yawn and opened the door so that they could come in.

"Do you guys want anything?" She asked as she plopped her tiny body down on the floral-designed couch.

We all said no.

"What brings you all here?"

Everyone looked at me. They always expect m to be the first one to say anything. I felt all the eyes on me and cleared my throat as I leaned forward and put my elbows on my lap. "Kin is missing. I know she was last here, do you know anything about it?"

She drew her eyebrows together as she stared at us in confusion. "So you came all this way to ask me about Kin? What about me? What if something happened to me?"

"We would love that, actually," Jason admitted.

She groaned and pulled her wild hair. "Look! I have no idea where she is. I am not her guardian,"

They looked at each other since they found her snapping nonessential. "Okay. Sorry," I spoke again. "Who else was with you two?"

Lemon folded her arms. "It was just us,"

"When did she leave?"

Lemon shrugged and looked at the ceiling. "I don't know. At ten, no yeah definitely at ten,"

"Are you sure?" Paul raised a question. She shook her confirmation.

"Look. I know nothing about nothing. I wish I did, then maybe she would be found sooner. But there's nothing that I know at all,"

My friends and I didn't stay long. We had a long day. I dropped everyone off at their homes, it killed me to see how nervous and stunned they were to find out that Kin is gone. I was too, but what could we do that the authorities can't do?

I walked up to my room and instantly went to my phone, I had loads of notifications but ignored all that. I wanted to know if Kin texted her or something. Last night, I was too busy to see Kin's latest text.

Yesterday 11:05 Pm

Hey, Kin. Do u know where I can find our maths homework?

Yeah, on page 109, question 12 A-f

And the lil exercise on page 110'

Ah, thanks. Where are you?

Ober at lemons,


Hey, now that I think of it. Lemons sound like I'm talking about boobs.

Tits, in case you didn't get what I meant to.

Haha. Kin, I'm doing my homework. R u drunk?

A lol bit


12:01 PM

Saskia, they know our secrets

I sat down on the bed wondering what she meant. The secret about us being supernaturals? But how? We are so private about it. And who is "they,"? Lemon said she and Kin were alone.

Why would she lie about something like that? I thought back on their encounter today, Lemon acted strangely. Maybe Jason was right, maybe something is going on with her. But what are her secrets?

Then I opened a text message I received from Vincent last night.

Saskia, can you pick Kin and I up?

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