I definitely just massacred some people.

Chanyeol takes out my sword from my sleeve, and as all I have is the arched bow, I have to charge first in hand-to-hand combat. However, the battle ends shorter than I expected, as the moment I reach closer to them, the bandits don't go for a second round and instead run off, causing me to sigh. Taking back my sword from Chanyeol, I grumble lightly as I place it back in its sleeve. "I wanted to get in more action than threatening a boy who shot me." Huffing, Chanyeol chuckles at me, taking the bow from my hand.

"I think it's better that you're protected than hurt by an arrow or by a blade. Let's be grateful no one was hurt." Chanyeol responds, making me shrug. My eyes gaze at Yeonjun, who I instantly remember I was supposed to be shielding. Strolling over, I hold him by the shoulders, peering around him. "Are you okay, Yeonjun? You're not hurt?"

He doesn't respond, causing me to fill up with worry. "Yeonjun-"

"You looked so composed out there, Youra!" He exclaims, 'wow' ing as he stares at me with millions of sparkles in his wide eyes. "You appeared like a true deity, how amazing!" His comments slightly flatter me, but I can't help feeling flustered that he's showing me off in front of a whole crowd. So, thanks to him praising me, the crowd cheers and screams my name, causing me to scratch behind my neck.

Looking over at Ho Seok, I see him chatting with Seungwan- and suddenly, we three meet eyes. Seungwan holds the book in her hand but smiling lightly she nods. I walk over to grab the book, but before I can go anywhere else, Seungwan holds me close. "Good job. This is the start of your quest. Make yourself known but not too known to the point people can read you like an open book. Ho Seok told me about how you reacted- and I'm here to tell you it's okay. You're doing great."

I nod to her words, grinning back at her as she places her hand over mine, both of us covering the title of the book. "There's already a new page, so read it whenever you have time. However besides this, I need to talk to you, it's important to the book." She tells me, making me nod. "When the crowd has died down and you can get the princes out of their trance, then come find me in the palace garden. I'll be waiting."

She leaves, Ho Seok winking at me before he follows her, the two talking once again. My head turns back to the four princes, who all seem to chat with their townspeople and reassure them that everything will be okay. So, I tap on Seungcheol's shoulder, the boy turning to me. He happily smiles, patting me softly on the shoulder.

"You looked great out there, female warrior. I wish Queen and King Choi would see that- they'd praise you for days!" He laughs lightly, dancing slightly. "While that was somewhat scary, I enjoyed being saved. I couldn't help but laugh when Eunwoo saved me. I felt like I was the main character in a book."

"You definitely are, Seungcheol," I don't want to laugh about it knowing he pretty much is, especially in that on-going story that has Yeonjun dying and me having to ruin all their lives by destroying the family that they've always known and love. I give him one last smile before I'm spinning around to meet Eunwoo's crescent eyes, him leaning slightly to meet my eyes.

"You're a great warrior, don't you know?"

"I've heard it a few times from the crowd. You agree?" I joke, making both of us laugh. "Anywho, I'm glad you all are okay."

"You came at the right time. I bet you Yeonjun wouldn't have saved us and would probably save himself." 

"I'm not that mean!" Yeonjun interferes, grabbing my hand between twisting both his arms around mine. "Besides, I tried! I followed you guys to town and that's when my beautiful warrior goddess had come to save us!"

"First of all, I am not a goddess nor a warrior," I shake my head, hitting the butterfly boy on his head. Yeonjun slowly frowns, rolling his eyes subtly as he looks between us. "Second, since when am I yours? Must I make us a restraining order?"

"Restr...aining... order?" Both boys synchronize in confusion- and again, I can't help but laugh at myself for thinking they'd know these words. Seoul words. "What's that, Youra?"

"It means you have to stay away from me-"

"No, I don't want that!" Yeonjun huffs, crossing his arms around me. Rolling my eyes, I can see the sad glint in Eunwoo's eyes as he watches Yeonjun and me: He must be still sad about Sana. However, he did say he would love someone else... so maybe he's thinking about them? Maybe Seungwan? No, he doesn't seem to be the type to like Seungwan- he's more of the type to like an elegant girl. "Your big words are dumb. Especially that one!"

"Restraining order? It's actually a great word-"


Chuckling, I'm soon moved away by another arm- and it's Chanyeol. With the youngest on one arm and the oldest on the other, Eunwoo and I watch as they glare at each other from a close distance. "Oh gosh, here they go again..." Seungcheol joins Eunwoo, tsking as the "youngest" of the princes practically kill each other with sharp glares.

"She's mine!"

"She prefers men who can fight, thank you."

"No! She likes men with beauty, thank you!"

"Are you calling me ugly, Yeonjun?"

"I sure am, hyung!" Ah, these children...

I pull my arms away from both of them, crossing my arms together as I look to either side. "You both are idiots, stop fighting. Get along well, okay? I have to go for a while." I start to walk away, cracking my knuckles as the two middle children wave me away, smiles on their faces.

"Where are you going?" The oldest and youngest synchronize, glaring back at each other. 

"I have to go talk with Seungwan. I will see you all at the palace later. Enjoy yourselves." Waving to them, I exit the scene, slowly jogging to the palace. I see Seungwan just outside the palace- she must've known I'd come only a few minutes after she left. Waving, she grins and I stop near her.

"Are you ready to read ahead and see what's next?"

"Sure am!"

"Alright then, let's go take a seat and read the book." Making me nod, I follow her to the garden- and for the first time, I wasn't afraid to open the covers of the book. Maybe this quest isn't as bad as I thought! 

(In advance, deities, please don't jinx me. Thanks!)

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