170 18 35

OH MY GOD!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!! Judging was really hard but I did it!!

Very Well Done Designers :)

So!! I'm going to announce the winners......

Remember if you didn't win don't be sad you did very well in fact you gave a tough competition to others. This contest is for fun not to win. Whenever I participate I always participate for fun not to win coz if you are having fun while making these then this happiness is very much more than winning. 

So don't be sad always try your BEST!!!! and REMEMBER PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT!!!

So here are the winners,

So here are the winners,

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I love it!!! I like the color theme that orange and black they are going with each other well nicely

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I love it!!! I like the color theme that orange and black they are going with each other well nicely. And most important your aesthetic was clean like it was not much messy or just made a collage of 10-20 pics. I love it!!! Well done!! CONGRATS!!!

 I love it!!! Well done!! CONGRATS!!!

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Walker's graphic contest: "Light up your talent"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora