It was all going fine until they showed up. Yes you guessed right. The three porn stars as Cassy the head cheerleader and school whores calls them. The whole, and I mean, the whole cafeteria fell silent as we watched the three get their lunch and settle down at a table at the far end of the cafeteria. Even though every pair of eyes were on them the triplets didn't seem to notice.

"I'm going to go talk to them," Cassy announced to us. "Coming Vicky?" She said this to a petite little sweet brunette I've been crushing on for years. She was Cassy's girl in action. Besties for life. The two got up to go when Nishima or Nassy as she calls herself jumped to her feet,"hey wait for me." People called her satellite behind her back because she's the girl whose life literally revolves around the popular kids.

I shake my head in disgust as I watch the trio, catwalk down the length of the cafeteria. With the swaying of hips and miniskirts or should I say none existant skirts its no surprise the action caused an eruption of whistling and catcalling to take place, quickly replacing the very loud silence that had been there a few seconds ago. Even I joined in. Then everything was back to normal, everyone went back to their own conversation.

"So there was this guy coming at me." I had tuned in to this guy named Thomas' story. "I fake left he fakes left. I fake right he fakes right. I'm about to fake left but I go left instead so I lose the guy and score!" This was met by very loud cheering, high fiveing and fist pounding the table. I was about to point out that if the guy was coming at you the first time he faked left while you were faking left the guy would go to your right and you would have had a clear line but someone nudged me from my left side. It was Dustin. I turned and saw him shaking his head telling me to drop it. I pouted at him and he did the one eyebrow raise on me and we both broke out laughing.

"They said they are definitely coming to the party," said Cassy who had suddenly materialised by Thomas. All the girls at the table swhimed with joy like little piggies while Dac gasped in horror, or it would have been if he wasn't drink his juice and choking on it instead. I started hitting him on the back in my small way trying to save his life. Thomas took the opportunity to yell "PAR-TAY!" At the top of his lungs.

"How could you even tell?" This was Vicky. "Well its obvious Troy is the cutest." Cassy answered her. For the second time today, and I'm sure it can't be healthy, my jaw dropped to the floor. Really! They are identical triplets! Girls. You can't live with them and you can't live without them.


The one thing I hate about parties is the way they seems to overflow from their original location. Just like this one. There was some guy passed out on the front lawn as Dustin and I walked up the drive. By the door there was a couple getting it on or for the guy getting IT in. I sniggered at the thought. Bad Nathan. Bad boy. Don't think naughty thoughts. Naughty Nathan! Snigger some more. We got in and I hope the guy did too. Full out laugh. Dustin just looks at me as if I'm insane. Probably am.

We headed to the drinks table and Dac started mixing up some drinks for us. I let him do it because he is such an expert and my own concoctions always taste horrible. I just watch him mix up my poison for the night.

Dustin was looking as good as ever though, in a pair of black skinny jeans, a green and white button up with the sleeves drawn up and a pair of Vans. I had done my absolute best to look good in a pair of black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. Not too out there but just enough to get me noticed.

We started to mingle and as always Dustin had found himself some entertainment before I did so I was left to work the crowd on my own, casually sipping my drink. It quickly became apparent that tonight was not my night so I turned back to the drinks table, not wanting to stand around and look pathetic. I tried recreating Dac's drink. The result wasn't as good but it was better than my usual attempts. So I sat back and enjoyed the booze.

An hour into the party, Dac was nowhere in sight and I was getting drunk. Mine wasn't the falling over and giggling type of drunk but was the becoming sad, start crying and going up to strangers asking them to hold me type of drunk. I was nearing the crying stage. I could feel it so to save myself the embarrassment I decided to go home.

The one unfortunate thing about that decision was that Dac was my ride home and he wasn't on planet earth at the moment so I had to walk home. It wasn't a big deal. My house was, what?, twenty minutes away from the party.

So I started down the road. Towning was a mountainous region so most of the roads went through forests like this one. To give you a sense of what's going on, think about any good horror movie forest road. The one where its almost pitch black, its cemetery quiet...and you are the only one on the road. Yeah that one. Well that's where I am. Cue the tension heightening music.

It was then as the alcohol haze started clearing with the increased levels of adrenaline in my body, that I realised that my house was a twenty minute DRIVE away from the party. Here I was, in the middle of nowhere, on a forest road, at least a twenty minute walk away from any form of civilisation. So I did the intelligent thing. I turned back and headed back to the party. Hopefully to find Dac.

As I cleared a bend I saw them. There were five of them, college boys and drunk by the look of things. I stumbled but managed to keep on my feet. I was on edge. I quickened my step hoping if I passed them fast enough they would ignore me. But when you think about it, I'm the one person you know born on Friday the 13th of the halloween month. You can imagine my kinda luck.

"Sweetheart why the hurry?," the one who had grabbed my left elbow said. "Guys. Come on. I don't want any trouble," I said with a shaking voice. " Hey pass him here," another guy said. He was the shortest of the group. Before I knew what was happening I was shoved to him. My new captor shun his cell phone's light in my face. "I saw this guy at the party." "What? Going home so soon?," some other guy said," let's have a little fun first." And that's where it began. Their passing game and I was the object to be passed.

They shoved me amongst them back and forth until I got so dizzy I fell to my knees before I reached the next recipient. I took this as my chance to escape. I thought fast. If I run either way along the road in my state and with my level of fitness they would catch me for sure. So I bolted into the forest, hoping to find a place to stop, hide and wait them out. So I ran.

And that's just it.

All I could remember.


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