shifting routine

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this is gonna be some tips for what to do before you shift so you can get in the right headspace
during the day
• go out for a walk in the fresh air (preferably without music but i listen to it anyway.)
• do something to express yourself (art, dance, write something) just be creative
•be productive and get some chores/schoolwork done

(preferably listen to your fave subliminals while doing this)

1. have a shower or a bath. take of your makeup and just relax while you're there. brush your teeth and do whatever you need to do to clean yourself and calm down.

2. read something. preferably a book because it's more advanced but read anything (magazine, catalogue, wattpad story).

3. yoga or stretch. it's good for you to move your body as much as possible so try a yoga video on youtube (especially a night time/ winding down one) btw yogawithadrienne is really good and it's on youtube so it's free. if you can't/don't want to do yoga then stretch a little bit.

4. light some incense if you have some but if not a candle is great too.

5. meditate. i recommend doing this daily anyway because it's really good for you. on the nights you're shifting, use one specifically for shifting but on any other day use a guided meditation (i love meditations for chakra alignment but that's just my preference)

6. listen to subliminals. i like to have them on just before i get into bed. during this time i'll just do nothing. it's good for you to just sit there and relax. if you want you can focus on your dr but you don't have to.

7. re-read your script and make sure there's nothing you want to add or change.

8. go to sleep, use your preferred method and go home :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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