Chapter 2~

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It was the first day of school. Tsukashi and Sana was accepted into U.A.

"Good job kids." Dabi said as he ruffled both of their hair.

"I'm so proud of you two!" Mrs. Omiru exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"See? I knew you two could do it with ease!" Mr. Omiru exclaimed with a laugh.

"Thanks." Sana and Tsukashi said with a small laugh.

"School is not always easy. Especially if it's the first day." Dabi said. "Just try to make it through today."

"Don't worry Dabi. We'll be just fine." Tsukashi said with is usual bright smile.

"You two have fun!" Mrs. Omiru said as Sana and Tsukashi walked out the door.

A few seconds passed before Dabi broke the silence.

"I should probably get going now." Dabi said as he pointed to the door. But then Mr and Mrs. Omiru grabbed his hands.

"Dabi. Thank you so much. Because of you, Tsukashi was able to open up a little more." Mrs. Omiru said.

"Yes. And he seems a little more happy now." Mr. Omiru added. "So we thank you."

"It wasn't a problem. It just feels like he relates to me a lot, and I just want him to show that there are people that care about him." Dabi explained.

Mr and Mrs. Omiru showed a sad smile and gave Dabi a hug.

"Well, wherever you're going, be safe." Mr. Omiru said.

"You two a have a nice day." Dabi said as he walked out the door.


Sana was walking to her class since Tsukashi insisted that she should go ahead of him while he was in the bathroom.
She walked through the door to be greeted by the blue haired boy with glasses.

"Hello there new fellow classmate!" He greeted while chopping his handing through the air. "Your performance was outstanding at the entrance exams!"

"Uh, t-thanks." Sana said as a sweatdrop rolled down the side of her face. "But you did just as amazing! You looked so cool, and you're super fast!"

"Hi Sana!" Uraraka greeted. "It seems like we're in the same class."

"Hi Sana-San!" Midoriya then greeted. "Did Rito-San get accepted into U.A?"

"Yeah, he did. Tsukashi's just in the bathroom right now." Sana saud as Tsukashi walked into the classroom. "Well, what do you know? He here right now."

"Hi guys." Tsukashi greeted his friends with his usual bright smile.

"It's too early for this." A voice said.

They turned around to see a man in a yellow sleeping bag, laying on the floor. He scooted into the classroom, as everyone took their seats.
Tsukashi sat behind a girl with black hair that was pulled into a ponytail, while Sana sat behind a boy with purple balls as hair.

"The name's Aizawa Shota." The man started off. "Starting today, I'll be your homeroom teacher. Now start getting into your P.E uniforms. We're going outside."

Everyone was confused, but listened anyways.


Tsukashi took off the top of his uniform, revealing his body that was wrapped up in bandages.

"Hey dude. How'd you get those bandages." And boy with spikey red hair asked.

Tsukashi stopped for a few seconds before turning to the red haired boy with a smile.

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