Trails of Green

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According to my grandfather, the leader called immediately once he realised he'd been tricked and demanded to know why and how - all simple questions leading to a much bigger answer than he was ready for, it was all part of an even bigger facade...or at least that's what I was told - I was only notified of one plan section at a time

On the way past for a street show, I grabbed a passerby clicking my fingers behind him occasionally and talking in a monotone level tone while keeping his head dipped "I feel for you, your follow through, what's important is that you follow them, follow my words - you're going to deliver this briefcase to the league of villains lair doorstep then come see the show - you'll love it. And wide awake, follow my instructions" after I'd done what I needed to do, I let him out of the hypnosis to go do what I asked of him

Most of my tricks were cards, deception, trickery but hypnotising someone was possible - it just wasn't one of my main playing cards, I was still learning, and although most of the time it worked, there were occasions where I didn't and I got punched

Inside the briefcase was all the leader's belongings I'd stolen from him since he requested them back in return, he'd keep an eye out for my tricks and skills which was all we ever wanted - just to be on the radar was enough for me, even if it wasn't the end goal, as long as I could use magic then I would be okay...because magic can get me anywhere

In between my fingers, I twirled an ace of spades in anticipation as I watched people come and go - they weren't here for a show, they were just commuters but I was their distraction, if they were late - I'd be the reason, if not traffic or boba tea lines

I threw down a cherry bomb appearing onto a little box in the centre of the crowd "anyone believe in magic? The kind that you don't need quirks for," a small group had gathered around staring up at me expecting entertainment. I pulled out a book "in this book are the secrets of the hero society - who wants to have a look?!"

My observes cheered as I flipped to the middle of the notebook as it lit on fire "Huh, must be Endeavour's" I tossed it somewhere behind me shrugging "too bad it's not All Might's, am I right?!" The audience laughed with me as I pulled cards out of my sleeves before they burst into flames causing me to throw them back with the book "did I accidentally pick up the wrong outfit?"

I threw a card into the distance revealing the back of three larger cards "Has anyone here ever heard of '3 card monty'? Also known as 'find the lady' - a trick performed by street hustlers, like myself, all over the world. Why street hustlers you ask? Cause as soon as you walk up to the table - you lose, everytime"

I hopped off the box "who wants to by my 'queen', a few 'jacks' will also be needed" I picked a girl with chocolate hair from a table, she was more than happy to comply so there wasn't any issue. Next, I grabbed two random guys from the mass of people and got them to stand behind the abnormally large cards

"And switch!" My knuckles knocked on the cardboard cut out as whoever was behind it switched with the card next to it, I did this a few times so that no one was in their original place "Now, where's our 'queen'?" My finger pointed to different cards as the audience called out different answers at me, I couldn't help but giggle at the atmosphere - I'd done it again!

The cards turned around one by one, the woman was behind the card on the opposite end to where everyone said "There's my girl! Not 'my' girl, she's probably got a partner somewhere" we replayed the trick a few times until i got to the last time, it had gotten dark but the audience hadn't realised. The cards switched and they yelled out which card they thought 'our girl' was behind

I skipped to the farthest end smiling "you know, I always love doing these shows - there's just something special about the audiences in Japan, you guys are great!" My hands pulled down the card revealing that no one was behind it "you just pay so much attention, even I get excited!" My feet carried my to the opposite end again and I let the card flop to the one was there

"Just to build suspense, make this even better - I feel like something is missing..." I spun around quickly allowing a few doves to fly out of nowhere appearing that they came from underneath my skirt "no magic show is complete without birds" once the applause died down, I drummed my hands on the card before letting it join the others on the floor with no one behind - the applause I received was immense

"So the question begs - where's our queen?" The girl I'd chosen as our 'queen' hopped up and down waving while cheering drawing attention to herself "and where did our jacks go?" The two guys copied the girl's actions making it clear where they were "I am the 'Jade Rabbit'! Thank you all for your time, you've been wonderful! I wish I could stay longer, I really wish I could but time flies!" I sprayed a pack of cards into the air disappearing from sight...

But everyone was still in mine...

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