Start from the beginning

She blamed Draco's eleven inches dick, she wondered how a lad like him have such a huge weiner.

A loud groan escaped her mouth as she gingerly get on her feet, the sharp pain emitted right in her loins again, hawbeit she ignored it and limped towards a small desk that's pressed up against the wall on the left side of the spacious bedroom.

She saw a delicious looking sandwhich placed on top of a silver plate with several pumpkies pasties and a goblet of ice cold pumpkin juice. Right next to it was a note sticked to the desk saying: Eat or else I'll go mad.

She grinned to herself foolishly before taking one pumpkin pasty and savouring it, and just as she was chewing it ― her stomach growled. She realized she haven't eaten anything yet since last night, she didn't even had a single drink.

Her mouth went dry so she reached out for the goblet, heavily drinking it and soon enough, there was no juice left. That is until when she placed it down the table, the goblet started filling itself up with pumpkin Juice.

She knew Draco chanted it.. “What the fuck? How?” she pondered, she's sure that this type of enchantment was nonverbal and only skilled wizards can do it such as Mcgonagall but then she set the thoughts aside, Draco afterall - was a bright wizard.

She finished eating the sandwhich and the pumpkin pasties. immediately she turned around and went to the bedside table, grabbing her uniforms and slipping it on. She tightened her neck tie before fixing her hair in a ponytail, then pocketing her wand.

Then she left his room, locking it with a charm that's easy enough to unlock with a counter-charm.

She set off to find Draco, hawbeit, with every step she takes, a sharp pain would emit from her legs causing her to wince every now and then. She desperately hope it would stop, because when others would see you limping ― especially since Hogwarts is a school full of horny teenagers, they'd automatically assume you did the nasty.

Not wrong however, that'd be embarassing.

She left the dungeons and wobbily meandered around the fifth floor, looking for him. Since she was excused, there was no need to go to classes, she just have to look for Draco or perhaps her bestfriends.

She knew too damn well that her bestfriends would be scolding her for not sleeping in their dorms once she meets them, of course they would know what happen, they're smart ― and Diana wasn't ready to face their naggings.

She peeked inside every single classroom and hallways but Draco wasn't found. He told her to go look for him once she'd woke up but how can she? The castle was big enough to explore in three days.

After noticing he wasn't on the fifth floor, Diana went down the grand staircase, reaching the fourth floor, where the second years are having their charms, transfiguration and history of magics class.

“Where's that bloody ferret?” she murmured to herself as she pass by classrooms after classrooms, the hallways was lit with fire torches, making her feel a tad bit hot.

“Looking for somebody ei?” A voice said right next to her ear, causing her to jolt from fright. Peeves came out from an empty classroom, his white form and cocky smile made her feel irked.

She hated the poltergeist ever since first year.

She crossed her arm and limped pass by him, ignoring his question knowing he'll cause her trouble. Hawbeit, much to her dismay he lingered behind her.

“Bloody ferret you say? I surely hope you didn't bring such animal inside the castle ― ohhhhh, Filch wouldn't like that” His cheery and high pitched voice made her want to shove him away but she kept her calm, continuing to painfully stride down the hallways.

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