1. Brett 9 / Eddy 8

Start from the beginning

Brett straightened his posture in his seat to have a better look as Mr Hill, Eddy's teacher from his blind school, took a large book out of a bag.

Brett saw with his own eyes, Eddy receiving the book from his teacher, letting his long fingers trace the bumps on the front cover of the book, then breaking into a smile.

"This is one of my favourites; it's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

Brett almost stood up from his seat.

No way!

The whole class was thrown into a commotion of excitement.  The children called out in a messy chorus;

"Wow, how did you do that Eddy?!"

"Did you really just read those dots with your fingertips?"

"Can we touch your book too ?"

The same question spun around in Brett's head.

How does he do that ?? I've seen those letters in places like in lifts and on the trains and I've touched them before but I can't read them like that!!

Next, the children were each given a pocket slate, a stylus and a small piece of Braille paper.

Eddy's teacher Mr Hill explained how to use the equipment to write their own Braille.

"Up here on the whiteboard shows you how to write the alphabet.  So each of you can now write a word or sentence then come up to the front to show me."

The children were all excited and threw themselves into the task of looking up letters of the words they wanted to spell out in Braille.  As soon as they managed to poke out a simple word, they would get out of their seats and head towards Mr Hill, who touched the words and read them out.  The children were fascinated.

Brett looked up the letters on the whiteboard and carefully poked out a bunch of letters. He closed his eyes and traced the letters with his index finger.  They just felt like random dots tickling his fingertip and Brett thought there was absolutely no way he could distinguish any of them.  He became very sceptical.  He wondered whether you had to be visually impaired to develop some kind of heightened sense of touch to read them like Eddy.

He watched as the children rushed up to Mr Hill to have him "read" their Braille words with his index finger. Brett concluded that Mr Hill was actually just reading the bumps with his eyes because he wasn't blind.

Brett got out of his chair and walked towards where Eddy was sitting.  Eddy was typing something on Brailler, a Braille typewriter.

"Hi Eddy, it's..."

Eddy stopped typing and quickly turned towards Brett and flashed a warm smile.

"Hi, Brett!"

"OMG, how did you know it was me?"

"I remembered your voice."

"Oh, okay. Wow"

Brett sat down in the chair next to Eddy and lowered his voice so that others wouldn't hear him.

"Hey, Eddy... can Mr Hill really read Braille by touch?"

Eddy looked puzzled.

"Um, yes, I'm pretty sure he can, why ?"

"Well, don't you think he just reads those bumps with his eyes?  I've tried touching these and I really don't think I can read them with my finger."

"Oh you wrote something ?  May I read it, please ?"

Brett handed Eddy his Braille paper.

Eddy touched over the braille with his right index finger.  Eddy broke out into a smile but he also looked a bit confused.

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