4 amigos and draco

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4 amigos and draco

lottie murel
you guys are all hungover

draco malfoy
no shit pans

pansy parkinson
i'm pansy you fucking idiot

blaise zabini
whoosh draco's being a meanie

theodore nott
i'm not hungover
what happened between the dick and lozo last night

lottie murel
stop calling me that u rat

theodore nott

lottie murel
i will tell ron you like him theo

theodore nott
okay nope
lottie it is
don't tell anyone that

draco malfoy
no problem with that theo

pansy parkinson
i forgot i wasn't the only gay here :(
kinda takes away my spotlight tbh

theodore nott

pansy parkinson
i'm kidding
i'm kidding
i'm kidding
but i want granger if your getting won won

draco malfoy
lottie don't tell me you just avoided a question

lottie murel
i don't remember a question, dick man :((

draco malfoy
u are a fucking slut with a body.

lottie murel
tysm draco‼️ that's so kind of u, manwhore;)

draco malfoy
i don't like you at all, lots.

pansy parkinson
u told me u loved her?

blaise zabini

theodore nott
where's ron?????

draco malfoy
probably with lavender brown

theodore nott
wait really?

lottie murel
no i see him right now with harry

draco malfoy
don't try to make him feel good, lot. he's with lavender in front of me.

lottie murel
what are u on little d?
he's right in front of me

blaise zabini
i'm with lottie rn and ron's standing right here
theo come to us

theodore nott
yes putting on a shirt
wish me luck

draco malfoy
how's the weather?

theodore nott
my pubies are ready for action ❤️

lottie murel
nobody likes pubes theo

draco malfoy
mine r cute tho 🥰

lottie murel
does the carpet match the drapes little d?

draco malfoy
it sure does

lottie murel
makes sense that u haven't got laid in like three months 😉

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