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Unfortunately, he wasn't around the corner, but the room you looked for was.

You took a deep breath before you knocked on the door, three small knocks. A low, graspy voice welcomed you in. As you opened, a man was sitting behind a desk, all suited up and waiting for you to sit down right on the other side of the desk. Slowly, you walked towards the chair and sat on it, looking right in the eyes of this man who must have been in his early fifties. You swallowed in stress.

"Welcome Ms Song, it's a great pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot of good things about you,” he proceeded to say and you simply smiled and bent your head down as a thank you. “I'm Mr Park, and I'm working as the coordinator of a team for one of the company's groups.” And your heart almost skipped a beat. “My job consists in replacing people when a replacement is needed, and now we are in this kind of need.”

"How can I help?”

"Sadly, our beloved cook, Mr Yi, is retiring this week and without his help, our team and most importantly our group can't function properly. Therefore, there is a need of a cook for the group.”

“But I'm a nutritionist,” you said, a little bit unsure of yourself.

“Well, Mr Yi was a cook and a nutritionist, and as a nutritionist you know how to prepare meals I suppose,” you nodded. “Perfect. Would you be willing to try to fill this position as soon as you can? And by as soon as you can I mean now.”

You opened your eyes wide. You had a lot to do, you had your own clients, you had your office and this work wouldn't last forever. But how tempting it was. You had to think about it, but the answer was needed quickly.

Would you be able to manage both your office and this job?

You couldn't tell, but you felt like you could with less work in your office. Yet, at the same time it meant less revenue.

“We will cover any economic loss you will possibly have due to your work in our company,” he added sensing your hesitation. “We know that you are a working nutritionist and that you have your own office and your own clients, but from what we hear from them, you are the best in your field and we value this at Big Hit Entertainment. We want winners, the best of the bests for the best.”

“Then I am willing to do my best for this group, Sir,” you replied, now that you had to worry less about economic issues. Your mouth always happened to respond much quicker than your brain, and from now on you knew that there was no stepping back. You were about to work for them, and with them.

"Perfect,” Mr. Park said as he took a piece of paper and put it in front of you. “Sign here, it's only a simple formality so you will be bound to secrecy about your clients.”

You had the look at the paper, you knew that it was something big, but you refused to believe that it would possibly be what you thought it was. You signed it, without any hesitation as you took the pen. It was apparently easier than you thought. Only one document to sign in order to work there. If you had knew this before, you would have attempted to join their company earlier!

“May I ask, now that I'm bound to secrecy, who is the group I'm going to take care of?”

Mr Park took a huge and bumpy folder from one of his drawers and put it in front of you. So, you were probably wrong about signing only one piece of paper. You could tell that it was heavy only by looking at it.

On the folder was written “Contract”, and before you took your eyes from it, he put another folder on top of it - “Menus & Likes”. Well, so you were truly there to cook and to come up with new recipes that would please the group.

“Oh, it's our favorite boys, BTS.”

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