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( it's 2 am ah)

You wake in a small doctors room onboard the enemy ship. It's empty all apart from the auburn haired doctor. It seems like he must have carried you here.

You see your legs have been wrapped up. The deep wound in your shoulder cleaned but still sore.
You can't move it.

The tall man has his back to you, scribbling down notes on scattered paper at a desk on the other side of the room,he doesn't notice you moving toward the sword unsupervised against the side table.

You manage to grab it sharply and point it at the back of his neck seeing the hairs stick up on ends. He slowly raises his head and his Auburn curls fall back. The doctor slowly raises their hands in defense and slowly turns around.

" Well, it seems someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"

he remarks in a slick charasmatic tone whilst a sword is pointed at his exposed neck.

"Who are you?!"you demand

" The names Julian Devorak,. Your friendly pirate doctor or AKA your handsome rescuer" he chuckled to himself ."And what's your name may I ask?"

"Y/n " you reply sword still pointed

"Now y/n, could you kindly tell me what you were doing cowering behind barrels of rum covered in your own blood?"

That's a stupid question, he knows you where slowly dying there.
"I was dying" you say straightening your back

" Was?, My dear I think you'll find you haven't recovered yet" as on que you find your legs give out underneath you.

Julian stoops down and catches you in aow embrace

"Well y/n, it seem you have more resting to do, and after?"

You mumble "you kill me?"

He shakes is head as if telling  off a child
"No, after will be questions, many questions"

(Thoughts so far? )

 Julian devorak X Reader Pirate RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now