Chapter 4

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Race's eyes beamed even brighter at the mention of my twin. "You two are identical, right?" He studied me more intently now, probably imagining me having a more masculine build and shorter hair.

I nodded, taking my scone out of the bag. "For the most part, yes. Al has darker hair and lighter eyes than I do."

He nodded, laying down on Roni's bed now and closing his eyes to form Albert's image in his head. Not five seconds later, a knock at the door signaled Albert's arrival. Race's eyes shot open and a look of excitement crossed his face.

I ushered Albert in, motioning for him to sit on my bed. "I'm gonna go grab some chairs from the lounge quick." I ambled down the hall to grab two more chairs, since Roni and I each had one at our room-issued desks. With one chair in each arm, I maneuvered myself out the door to meet Roni sprinting down the corridor after me.

"Maddie, you didn't tell me you played cupid in your spare time!" She whispered, grabbing a chair and grabbing my spare arm to drag me back in the direction of our room.

"Roni, I don't know what you're-" I was cut off by Roni shoving me through the doorway. When I turned my attention to the sight in our dorm room, I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing there in shock, were our twin brothers, illuminated.

"Maddie, I know you said I'd like his energy, but I didn't think you meant it like this." Albert said after a few seconds, giving me a quick glance before looking back at Race, who smiled slightly, also looking back to me.

"I didn't know you had Cupid for a sister either, Albert." Race smirked, sticking out his hand for Albert to shake before I could interject. "Racetrack Higgins." 

Light of My Life: A Newsies Soulmate College AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن