Chapter 1: The Hobbit

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You travelled through the small hobbit village catching strange glances from the locals as you passed. You made my way up a small hill to a rather large house sitting above the rest. You walked up to a rounded green door, there was a small white mark on the door that Thorin had described. You could only guess that the wizard had placed it there so that you could all find your way, and by the sounds coming from inside, you were the last to arrive.

You knocked on the door and a small hobbit opened it moments later, "Well I guess there's another one, come in," he said while rolling his eyes. He stepped aside and let you enter his small home. What appeared to once have been the dining room was now filled with foods of all kinds, ale, and many of your own kin.

You slowly shrugged off your fur cloak and layed it across a bench to your right. All eyes were on you as you stepped into the crowded dining room. You recognized them all but a smile formed on your face when you laid eyes on the ones you were looking for - Fili and Kili - inseparable brothers who also happened to be Thorin's nephews. You spent lots of time together travelling the plains, they eventually went to live with their mother in the iron hills and you chose to continue to move East with Thorin and those that remained with him. You missed them dearly when they left, you had all become very close and formed an unbreakable bond. Fili had asked to come back with them, but you felt that your duty was to stay with Thorin.

They smiled back at you from across the table and a playful smirk broke out on Fili's face. "Behold the lady of Erebor," he joked while raising his mug of ale.

You quickly grabbed a roll that was on the table next to you and threw it at Fili. The whole table erupted into laughter and Fili grabbed his chest in mock pain. You took a seat in between Fili and Kili and just took the time to enjoy everyone's company. You all ate plenty of food and drank lots of ale. Quite a merry gathering continued for some time until there was another knock on the door and the whole room went silent.

"He is here," Dwalin, a very loyal friend of Thorin's, stated quietly as the Hobbit went to let him in. You all knew he was talking about Thorin. The room stayed silent as he entered the room and shook off his coat. He took a seat at the head of the table next to the wizard. You had learned that the wizard's name was Gandalf the Grey and he was here to assist you on your quest. He was the one who had chosen the hobbit to join the company as well. You had also learned that the Hobbit's name was Bilbo Baggins of Bag End, he was quite irritable but still had a bright twinkle in his eye when you spoke of your past adventures.

Thorin holds attention in any room he is in, but you were still amazed by the silence of everyone in the room, waiting for their King to speak. He sat and ate quietly while a few others talked quietly, it was a big contrast to the cheery atmosphere that surrounded you just moments before. After a while, you had wondered if you should move and take your usual place at the head of the table next to Thorin, but decided you would be more comfortable between Fili and Kili. The spotlight was never something you enjoyed, although you were used to it, it was never what you wanted. Thorin thrived in the spotlight, he was a great leader, a strong warrior, and a kind ruler. He was the perfect King. Sometimes you wonder why you were chosen to be together, why they would pair up such a talented prince to a warrior like yourself. You were never much for the intricacies of royalty, but strategy on the battlefield was one of your greatest strengths.

Thorin had finally finished his food and all eyes were on him, waiting for him to speak. He locked eyes with you from across the table and smiled before he began talking. "You all know why we are here, the time has come for us to reclaim our homeland." He was followed with shouts of approval. He smiled and pulled out a map from his pocket, "this map speaks of a hidden door to get into the mountain," everyone is listening intently.

You then pulled the key off from around your neck; Thorin had given it to you for safekeeping before he departed. You were honored that he trusted you with the key to his birthright. You held it up for the table to see and suddenly all of the eyes flicked to you, "And we have a way to enter it," you smiled, holding out the key and motioned to give it to Thorin.

"No my lady," he responded, putting his hand in the air, "I would like you to hold on to it." You smiled back at him and nodded, placing the key around your neck once again. You cocked an eyebrow at him from across the table, several times you had asked him to call you anything other than 'my lady;' as much as you hated the spotlight, you hated your proper title more.

Gandalf the wizard looked over the map. "There is a hidden message within this map, the key to understanding its location, but I do not have the skills to read it." He stated handing the map back to Thorin.

"Then we shall find someone who will." Kili interjected, raising his half empty mug of ale. This was received with more shouts of approval while everyone raised their glasses. Instead of smiling Thorin looked troubled, a face you had come to know well while traveling the countryside.

The company dispersed throughout the house, most made their way to the fireplace to smoke their pipes, but you hung back with Thorin.

"Thorin, what troubles you?" you asked him while coming up behind him to help take off his outer shirt so he could be more comfortable. He shrugged it off gratefully and put his strong hands on your shoulders.

His face looked more serious than you had ever seen it. "I have no doubt in my mind that it is time to reclaim our home, for my father and grandfather I must do this. I do not doubt a single person in this company, but I am nervous about the dragon that hides within the depths," He confided.

You folded and placed his outershirt on the back of the chair next to you and placed your hands on Thorin's knees, "Thorin you are a wise and strong ruler, your people would follow you to any end you choose. If this is the path you want to go, I will follow you and fight for you until my last breath." You replied, finding your own strength to rise to meet his fear.

He smiled at you and brushed a piece of hair behind your ears, "and for that I am grateful." He looked as though he wanted to say more but simply pulled your head closer and kissed your forehead then walked into the living room with the others. You decided you wanted to go get some rest before you left in the morning so you walked up to the host.

"Bilbo, would you mind showing me where I can sleep tonight?" you asked politely. He smiled up at you and bowed his head.

"Of course, follow me." He led you down a hall to a small modest bedroom with a few round windows. "I wasn't really expecting guests but I hope it is comfortable for you." He said while gesturing through the open door.

You walked into it and admired the aesthetic. "I am sure it will be just fine," you replied, mirroring his smile. "Do you really have enough bedrooms for all of us?" You asked with curiosity.

"Well no," he replied, looking at his large feet. "Some people will have to double and sleep in chairs, but I wanted to make sure you had the best room." He cheeks flushed pink and he avoided eye contact with me.

"Well I am grateful," you simply say. Bilbo nodded to you before closing the door and leaving you to change. Suddenly you noticed how exhausted you were and laid your head down on the soft pillow. You did not even change out of your traveling clothes before falling fast asleep.

The Lady of Erebor (Thorin / Fili / Kili x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now